A Matter Of Trust, Part 2

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Some hours later, Ann and Ryker came back to the camp with some killed boars and laughing hard as they were joking around. "Seems you two had some good time together." Viggo said a little laughing. "Ow, we sure did. Combining our skills makes us a great team on hunting things. Her hearing and my sniffing makes us find prey very easy." Ryker laughed. "At least we have enough food for a couple of weeks now. Or should I say days, with you as a big carnivore?" Ann said looking at Ryker with a very mischievous face.

Viggo laughed hard and Ann couldn't keep hers in as well. "I'm just joking, brother! Come on!" She said to him. "Anyway, she took leadership over this hunt and it turned out to be quite successful." Ryker spoke. "Yes, she is such a great leader..." They all heard someone say with sarcasm in his voice. Ann quickly saw who it was and got instantly angry. "Darren..." She growled.

"You know him?" Ryker asked her, being cautious because he didn't want her to react all her rage at him. "Bet I do! He is the person who I hate most in the world and who I hoped not to survive the attack. He has been causing so much trouble on our island. Not only him, his family as well." She hissed. "You just don't want to admit that we would be better chiefs than your family." Darren said to her in a bullying way.

"Not... in front... of them!" Ann was really pissed off now. "Wait. What is he talking about?" Viggo asked her confused. "Just... Don't!!" She snapped at him. "Excuse me?" He asked her. "Yes, Viggo. Ann probably hasn't told you that she is the chief's daughter." Darren started to bully her as he did in the past. Viggo and Ryker were wondering why she didn't tell them.

"Ann, why didn't you tell us?" Viggo asked her. "That's none of your business, Viggo. And you, again you manage to ruin everything, Darren! You manage to put everyone against me, with them now!" She shouted at him. "We are better leaders than your pathetic family, but you never admitted to that!" "If your family had the leadership of Muzona, you would have lead it to the depth of its existence! No, you wouldn't be a better leader." The fight between them got fired up the more things were said.

"You just believe what you're saying, Ann, but we have a better name in the tribe." Darren continued. "Ow, come on! You're family has never been an actual part of our tribe. Your ancestors were refugees and begged mine to join the tribe. After that, troubles started to become a 'normal' thing. Just leave me alone, Darren. Stay away from me as far as possible! I don't want to be in your presence." Ann shouted and ran away. Viggo and Ryker continued to talk with Darren, with Jake there as well. Jake had to tell them if things were true or false.

Meanwhile, Ann cried her heart out as Darren ruined everything again. She hoped that she would never have to face that guy again. Havòk came to comfort her a little bit, but he couldn't comfort her as Viggo could. So Havòk went to get him and Viggo came fast.

He was concerned about her and took her in his arms. "I don't want to fire this rage up again, but why didn't you tell me?" He gently asked her while hugging her the same way. "You're not starting about it as well, are you?" She said with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but I need to know. If you are a chief to be, then..." "Then what, Viggo? Then our relationship will be impossible? If you think that, then I think there is no other way." She said, stood up and ran away, crying even worse as she just lost the love of her life. "ANN!" Viggo shouted after her, but she kept on running. "Don't leave me..." He whispered.

Ryker heard the yell and came as quickly as he could. "Viggo, what happened? Where's Ann?" He quickly asked. "She left me..." Viggo said with lots of emotions. Sadness, disbelieve, but mostly anger to himself. You idiot! You let her go because of YOUR fault. You mustn't have started about it again... She's gone now.

"Viggo, I'm sorry to hear that. We have no other option than let her be for now, and you have to calm your mind as well. Come, I'll take you back to your tent." Ryker said as he saw a tear in Viggo's eye. He really had a heartache. Ryker got his little brother up, who felt weak in his whole body, and dragged him all the way back to Viggo's tent.

"Viggo, it's not your fault." Ryker tried to calm his brother down. "It is, Ryker. I asked her about it, she got mad and ran away.. Our relationship is over." Viggo said with a sad voice. My Thor, I have never seen him like this. He loved her more than anything in the whole world. I gotta find Ann and tell her what she did to him. Hopefully I can reunite them. Ryker thought as he saw his brother fell apart from devastation. Meanwhile, Ann found a cave where she could stay for the time being, made hunting tools from materials she found along the way.

Two weeks later, Viggo was still a wreck. He couldn't do anything anymore, so Ryker took over for him. He sent search parties to look for Ann. One day, Ryker thought he saw Ann close by the river and went in for a better look. It was her!

He waited for the perfect moment to strike, grab her and take her back with him. Ann heard something in the bushes and ran away, Ryker ran after her as fast as he could. Ann tried to escape from him, but he took another way and cut off her path. He held her on the ground tight as she was struggling to break free.

"Let me go, Ryker!" "You think I'm gonna let you go now? Do you realize what you have done to Viggo?" He shouted a bit. "Do you think I care?" "Oh, I know you do, but you don't want to admit it. Ann, listen to me and calm down!" He said and she stopped to resist to his grip. "Viggo has become a wreck without you. He misses you and I have never seen him like this. Please Ann, reconsider and go back to see him."

"NEVER! He started this!" "No, he didn't. Darren did and you continued to react it to him. You really hurt him with it. He just wanted to know why you didn't tell us, because we were both surprised about that. He wanted to find a solution to this problem. Please Ann, come back with me. Just to see him and he can see you." Ryker softened his voice as he spoke about his brother. Ann sighed for a moment. "Fine, but I won't stay long." She finally admitted to his begging. 

They went back to the camp, and everyone was looking at Ann. She didn't feel comfortable with it, but she ignored the feeling. They got into the tent, where Viggo was sitting behind his desk, looking very bad. Ann was shocked to see him like this.

"Viggo?" She said in astonishment. He looked up. "What are you doing here? It's over between us, remember? Now, get out of here!" He said being annoyed. "No way! Viggo, I made a terrible mistake. I shouldn't have reacted my anger from my fight with Darren to you. I'm sorry." She tried. "Flattering words, but no thanks." Viggo said.

Ann got closer to him. "I'm really sorry, sweetie. I never should've done this. Especially to you. Can you forgive me?" She asked and gave him a kiss on his cheek. She thought it didn't affect him and decided to leave as he requested. When she got to the entrance of the tent, she looked back at Viggo for a moment and started to almost cry.

She turned her head back, ready to walk away when Viggo stood up from his chair, walked to her before she could leave the tent, grabbed her by the arm and kissed her like he never kissed her before. As he let go, Ann cried because she felt so guilty towards him. "Shhh, I forgive you." He whispered, having tears in his eyes as well. Ryker witnessed the whole happening, smiled as he saw they were back together and left them to be alone. They needed time together.

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