A Matter Of Trust, Part 1

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They arrived back to Hunter Island and the new visitors didn't feel comfortable at all. Ann tried her best to make them feel at home and ensured them to be safe, but it was hard for them to believe that. "Ann, we object! We don't feel safe here at all! We want to go back to our own island!" Jake spoke for all of them.

"But what do you have now back in Muzona? Our island is in ruins and we can't just build it up within a couple of days! And I can't ask Viggo to lend some of his men to do so! He has a business he needs to maintain! What makes it that you don't feel safe?" Ann shouted a bit, leaving Jake stunned. "The men here are strange. They won't leave us alone!" Jake answered to her as she told him why there were men around them.

"These men around you are handpicked and assembled as your guards! I know how it is to have those greedy eyes at you. Believe me, I do! I've been cornered by some men once, Viggo saved me and ensured my safety after that. You have to try and trust him as well as his brother! Even Ryker and I see each other as brother and sister and he swore to me he'll protect me! He called me his little sis!" Ann got pissed off.

"What happened to you? You're not the Ann I remember." Jake asked. "Nothing! I'm still the same person. I'm just grateful for what they did for me and so should you!" Ann said and walked away. "Where are you going?" Jake shouted after her. "What do you think? I'm going to get my mind calmed down!" Ann ran away now, she didn't want to see Jake for a moment now.

She went to her favorite place: the beach, where Viggo found her. "Hey, I heard your fight with Jake. Is everything alright?" He gently asked her. "No, of course not! They don't trust you, they won't believe me what I tell them. I want them to stay, but the only thing they want is leave!" She was still frustrated about the fight, even though it has been an hour ago.

Viggo took her in his arms. "I know it's hard for you to hear them saying they want to go back, but think back to when we met. You didn't trust me completely as well." He said. "I was scared because of the trip I had to make, but I trusted you first before anyone else." Ann said with tears in her eyes. Viggo pulled her closer and gently hugged her.

"They are scared too. It's been a while since you arrived here and you're used to everything now, but it took you quite some time too, sweetie. Just give them some time and they'll get used to this place. If you want, I can even talk with Jake and perhaps the others to clear some uncertainties, hmm?" He said. "Please... It's like I can't reach them, but maybe you can..." She turned to him, they made sure no one saw them and they kissed. "I love you, Viggo." "I love you too, baby." They said to each other.

"Ann, we are together for about a month now and I have to tell you that it has been the best of my life. You really brighten up my life and I can't thank you enough for it." Viggo spoke all of a sudden. "Just promise me we'll stay together and that you'll never go to someone else." She said while she turned red. Viggo laughed and liked it that she got shy.

He gently held her on the chin and turned her face to him. "I promise." He said with a big smile. "Let's go. I want to be alone with you where no one can see us." Ann said to Viggo. Viggo smiled and they went back, staying inside the tent for the night.

The next morning, Ann was awake earlier than Viggo. That didn't happen much and she decided to surprise him with a breakfast on bed. She crawled out of the bed, giving him a kiss on the forehead and prepared some sandwiches for him.

She got back, placed the tray on his desk and woke him up by kissing him on the lips. Viggo pulled her into the bed, leaving Ann laugh hard and trying him to stop. "Hey, stop it, hahaha! I got something for you!" She couldn't stop laughing as he was tickling her. "So, what do you have for me, hmm?" He teased her. "Just stop and I'll give it to you." She said to him.

He stopped, Ann got out of the bed and walked to his desk where she got the tray. "Breakfast? On bed? Why do I deserve this?" He was quite surprised. "You are just so sweet to me." She said while she laid the tray on Viggo's lap. "You are doing everything for me and I thought I could do this for you in repayment." She said with a blush.

He got up a bit, grabbed her by the chin and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, baby. It's very sweet of you, but you don't have to repay me like this. Just stay with me and we're even. I will talk with Jake today, you just do what you like today, okay?" He said to her and she nodded to him.

Ann left the tent to go to Ryker and do something they both like: boar hunting! Viggo ate his breakfast and called Jake in. "You don't have to be afraid, Jake. I'm not going to hurt you, just as I didn't to Ann. Listen, I've heard you fight with her last night and I'm quite concerned about the situation." Viggo began. "All of that is none of your business." Jake grumbled at him. Viggo was surprised, but continued.

"Look, I know you care about Ann and so do I. You have no idea how badly she missed all of you. I can imagine that coming to this place isn't what you expected, but believe me, I'm doing my best to keep all of you safe. I have promised Ann to do so. Ann was scared as well when she came here, but she started to trust us and look at her now!" He spoke with enthusiasm about his girlfriend.

"She has changed. I don't recognize her anymore." Jake mumbled. Viggo sighed as he finally convinced Jake to try and trust them. "Like I said, Ann has missed all of you terribly. She doesn't want anything more than you stay here so she has you with her. Think about it, Jake." Viggo said as he finished the conversation.

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