That One Night

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Ann went inside, had one last drink and said goodnight to her mother, father and sister before she went to bed. She laid down and soon, she was fast asleep. A loud explosion sound got Ann wide awake in the darkest hour of the night. She knew this wasn't anything ordinary. She ran to the door, opened it and what she saw gave her the shivers over her spine. Her village was on fire! Chaos and fear ruled the streets. Ann heard a sound she never heard before and looked up. Dragons! How can this happen? Why are these dragons attacking us? What did we do wrong to them? She thought.

''ANN!" Her father came running towards her, avoiding all the incoming fireballs. ''You have to run. Go into the forest. Hide and get to the mountain ridge. There's a small cave there. You will be save if you make it there!'' Ann was looking to her father with tears of fear in her eyes. ''Dad, I can't leave you! I won't leave you!'' She started to cry and tears were running over her cheeks. ''Ann, you have to go. You are our only hope. It's okay darling, no matter if I will travel to Valhalla tonight or stay alive a little longer, I love you. I will never stop loving you, Ann. You are my daughter, and a father never loses his love for his children.'' Ann gave him one tight hug before she did what her father asked her to do.

With fear in her heart, she ran as fast as she could. When dragons flew above her head, she quickly dived towards the ground. Ann made it to the mountain ridge and found the cave. Quickly, she ran in there, hoping no one would find her. Ann feared for the lives of her people, her family and friends, but there was nothing she could do now. The only things she was able to do were staying quiet, stay inside the cave, pray that nobody would find her and maybe take a little bit of rest, though it was hard to catch the sleep.

The next morning, Ann stood up with fear in her heart. And that fear turned out to be right. When she looked at her village, she saw total destruction. She knew no one could have survived. Yet, she went back to her village to see if someone made it. She didn't find any survivors. For a week, she searched her whole island to something she knew she could not find: her people. What did she have to do?

One week after the attack, Ann spotted an unknown ship at the shores. That could be my only chance to survive! She thought as she ran as hard as she could to reach the ship in time. While Ann ran her heart out, she noticed a dragon was following her. It was Serana. ''Hey Serana, it's okay girl. It's me.'' Ann tried her best to calm Serana down, but something was off. Serana's eyes were not as they should be. A small, thin stripe with fear what normally should be a big, round pupil with love and affection in them. Ann knew immediately that this wasn't good and started to run even faster.

As she got to the beach, with Serana close behind, Ann screamed for help. A big, bold man heard her call, sighed and ran towards Ann to save her. Serana shot off a spine shot very close before Ann's feet. Ann stumbled and fell, while Serana was about to shoot another spine shot. 

As Ann feared for her life, the strange man protected her from the spines and shot a strange looking green arrow towards the Nadder. The arrow hit the dragon, which was flying uncontrollably and got caught by these strange men.

Ann was confused about what just happened and looked to the man who just saved her life. ''Load it up!'' Is what he said to the crew. ''Yes, Ryker! Ready to load!'' Ryker looked back to Ann, but soon walked away without any interest. 

Ann stood up and yelled to him. ''Please, take me with you!'' ''And why should I do that?'' Ryker answered. Ann answered the question with tears in the eyes. "Because I have nowhere to go.'' Ryker laughed. ''Hahaha, you just ran away from home. I'm not taking you anywhere. Go back to where you came from.'' 

Ann started to get desperate and begged Ryker. ''Please, I'll do anything. Clean your ship, just anything.'' ''NO!" Ryker yelled and hit Ann in the face, causing her to fall to the soft sand. "Please, I can't go back..." Ryker ignored her, while he and his crew entered the ship and sailed off, leaving Ann alone on the beach.

(1/5) A Muzonian Dragon HunterWhere stories live. Discover now