A Hard Trip

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When Viggo woke up the next morning, he was relieved as he was confused. How could I have slept so well last night? Is it because of her? I hope it is, because I feel so well rested. Viggo looked to Ann, who was still fast asleep on his chest. Viggo fell in love more and more as he watched Ann sleeping. So gorgeous, so beautiful. I want to kiss her, but I can't... 

Ann took a deep breath and stretched before she opened her eyes. "Good morning!" Viggo said to her. "Morning." Ann was still tired, but was enjoying being beside Viggo, having his protecting arm around her. He does protect me! He does care about me! How can I repay him? Give him a kiss, even if it's on his cheek? Don't be ridiculous, Ann. He will get rid of you immediately when you try that! 

"Hey Ann, Ryker and I have to go to the Northern Markets. Do you want to come with us?" Viggo asked her. Say yes, you will be with him! You will be safe, while you won't be if you stay here! "Yes, I will come with you." Ann answered him. "Good. Prepare yourself. We will leave soon. Would you like some breakfast?" Viggo was glad Ann said yes. "I would love to. Do you remember what I like?" Ann asked very sneaky. "Of course, I do. A sandwich with some meat, right?" Viggo said with a faint smile. Ann nodded and smiled, giving Viggo a hug. He went to get them some bread and meat.

As soon as they both had breakfast, they prepared to leave. Viggo, Ryker and Ann left to the Northern Markets with the crew. Ryker kept a close eye on Ann, as he still didn't trust her and she didn't trust him. Viggo told Ann to stay close to him. The Northern Markets were still a couple of hours sailing. "I'm quite excited. I've never been to the Northern Markets before!" Ann said with huge enthusiasm. "Are you even serious?!" Ryker replied being astonished. "Yes, we never needed to go there as we had enough resources of our own." Ann replied being annoyed. "Stop it, both of you!" Viggo ordered with a raised voice. No word had been spoken between Ann and Ryker for the rest of the trip. 

They arrived, and the visit to the Northern Markets was short, as they quickly found what they were looking for. "Was that it? I thought it was bigger!" Ann said and Viggo laughed a bit. "You haven't seen everything around here! We've found what we were looking for. Now we head back." "Already?! But I want to take a look around!" Ann said a bit loudly and Viggo grabbed her by the arm. "Next time, okay? We do not have the time to walk around now. I'll show you around next time, yes?" Ann was a bit startled by his action, but nodded in agreement. They got back on the ship and sailed off.

As they were sailing miles away from the Markets, they passed some islands. They didn't know they also passed Muzona. "Look at that island! It's completely destroyed!" A worker yelled and everybody was taking a look at the island. Also Viggo and Ryker were interested in the view. "That island looks familiar to me, but I can't precisely remember from what!" Ryker said to his brother. 

Having said that, Viggo looked at Ann, who was feeling down about it and turned her back to the island so she wouldn't see it. He was surprised by it. What is going on with Ann? She doesn't seem to feel well. Should I go to her to comfort her? No! Not in front of the crew, especially in front of my brother! He looked back to the island, when they all suddenly heard something they've never heard Ann do: sing! 

She sang a sad and depressing song, yet it was so pure! Ann had a tear flowing over her cheek, but her sadness turned into anger as she walked to the bow on the starboard side of the ship. A strong gust of wind approached the ship and hit Ann in the face. Ann felt it had something to do with her home. She enjoyed that gust of wind as it blew through her long dark brown hair. 

As soon as the winds left, Ann felt emptiness inside. She started to cry badly and walked to the back of the ship, wanting to be left alone. As she walked to the back, Viggo grabbed her arm, but Ann got herself free from his grip. Ann... I want to help you... 

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