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the sound of keys jingled outside louis's door. the door was opened, harry wearing a beanie walking into the room. in his hands, harry held two bags, both containing beer. 

"lou, i'm worried about you," his neighboor and best friend spoke.

"there's no reason to be."

"you've been drinking so much."

"there's nothing wrong with a few drinks, harry. i won't die. you don't need to worry, thanks for the beer," louis snapped.

harry smiled weakly, walking towards the door and shutting it closed after him.

louis grabbed one of the beers, opening it before chugging it down in a matter of seconds. he chuckled to himself loudly. one beer led to more and more and by the end of it all, he had finished a whole 6-pack, burping and sobbing simultaneously, causing him to hiccup loudly as he sobbed to himself.

by midnight, louis had managed to cry himself to sleep, the whole apartment reeking with beer and throw-up.

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