Free Write 1

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Okay so this is where the real interpretations start. In my Junior English class the teacher was telling us about free writing and I instantly fell in love with it. Basically... It is writing exactly whats on your mind with no worries about punctuation or grammer. Sooo.. yeah(:

Many people are surrounding..they see her but don’t really see inside her mind. Her mind is full of everything she’s ever done to hurt the child. The child. So innocent with vibrant black hair. She sits there with her lollipop waiting for her grandpa to take her fishing. That was her favorite activity. Watching the fish swim around in the dirty yet clear water. She goes swimming in the water with her uncle and little cousin. The uncle is a firefighter from Illinois. Illinois… The amazing drummer lives there that knows more secrets about her than anyone else could ever imagine. He knows it all. Drumming in a band of his creation. Visiting for prom. Dresses. Going bowling takes her mind off things. Things that only need to stay within her mind. Things that can’t escape onto the canvas of the world because the materials needed have not yet been created. They are all but her vast imagination. But it is not imagination, for it is the world she see’s. The sun rises in the distance but it is nothing but darkness she see’s for all eternity. The darkness engulfs all those around her for she is alone in a big world full of others who feel the same as she. She knows nothing to make up for the things in her past. Her past is full of everything. Everything.. The beach. The water so blue and green. The fish you see in the waves as they crash down. Swimming out far enough to find a mystical cave to change into a mermaid. The mermaids welcome her as one of their own. She feels alright now. Everything is grand for… nothing is ever the same. She shoots from the water into the sky where she gains wings to fly. Flying like a bird so high where a plane she approaches. She goes right thro the plane and becomes a passenger of life once again. She lands in Italy where he waits for her. She finds him and a life they live so happily. The life she always dreamed of.. comes to an end when he must leave and never returns. Things disappear from her reach…

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