Free Write 2

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Love? Really? Does it even exist in ways that everyone describes. She sits there alone dreaming of love between her and the boy. Ah that boy. That boy has changed her entire world all though he has no idea on what he means to her. He doesn’t understand what she means to him. She dreams of a lasting love. She dreams of the cloud picking her up and taking her away into his arms. Arms that would do nothing but show her unconditional love. Absorbing everything he has to offer her. She needs to know that everything will be okay with him. She jumps up high into the sky, flying like theres no ending. She finds her way into space, way above the skies… Lose away from him.. He leaves her.. Just floating there. Lost and confused. She doesnt know what to do as then tears come flowing steadily down her cheeks. He doesn’t see the pain her causes her. The pain thats as unbearable as the one before him who lives thousands of miles away. Things are never the same. She can’t handle it. The Blade. Sharp. Heals the pain one cut at a time. Now will he notice? Will anyone notice? The answer is always the same: No. No one see’s what is really there. They see the fake smiles. But no one can see through to her. No one can see the pain that she is so desperately wanting to be heard. She needs help. Help! Help! Help! Her soul is screaming to be helped. But her shell that protects the soul is so calm and collected. No one, no one at all can see past it. She wishes she could find the one that can read her mind. The one who can tell something is wrong when the slightest thing is upsetting her. She needs her soulmate. She’s so afraid that he’s just going to slip away from her…

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