The Warning

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In the beginning... We don't know what happened. Where it came from or how it got to the point that it did. 
My name is Mark Fischbach,  and I'm the last survivor,  that I know of, in LA.  Everyone I've loved,  isn't here anymore.
My wife... Amy... Was a research Epidemiologist for the CDC. She tried to tell people about what had happened and how bad it was...  But no one listened to her.

Now over 4 billion people are dead.  Human civilization has come to a stop.  And I'm left... Alone.


Ethan sets up the camera pointing to Amy as she sits on a chair on casual clothes with a CDC badge. 
"Okay Dr. Nelson.. We.. Are.. Good"
She clears her throat and dusts off her shirt.
" My name is Dr. Amy Nelson. I am the head research epidemiologist at the American Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. On February 27, 2018, Research doctors from Bundang,  South Korea have discovered a new strain of H5N1,  also known as the Avian Influenza. While there is no evidence that it has the ability to infect humans,  there are reports of several species of birds dying off at an alarming rate.  There is talk about containing South Korea just in case of infection. We have also found that there are traces of the similar strain of the influenza virus in many species of bird here in North America. As recent as last week,  I tried bringing my findings to the head specialist in Langley falls, but he didn't "have time for me". We can only pray that this flu doesn't infect humans...  "
She signals Ethan to cut the feed.
"Dr.Nelson,  I'll have this in file by the end of the day. "
"No Ethan,  I want you to go home for the night,  it's getting late anyways."
He agrees and takes his camera and other digital files home. 
Amy wanders around her lab wearing gloves and a mask. 
She notices a bird convulsing in its cage and eventually dies.  She sighs and disposes the corpse and records her findings. She goes to another area of the lab where lab monkeys are held.
She feeds them and notices one of them is asleep.  She gently tried to wake it up... Only to realize its dead. Finding it confusing. She leaves the lab and suits up in BioHazmat gear and inspects the corpse of the dead monkey.
The eyes are bloodshot and skin around the hair is bright red and very irritated. She takes samples and looks at what had caused death.
After almost an hour her results came back...  It had died from an unknown virus.  Fearing the worst.. She tested the samples from the bird earlier and compared it to the samples from the monkey..  It matched.

Dropping everything she leaves her lab with her findings and goes to a conference room.
She contacts Dr. Ha-Yoon,  an epidemiologist from the Samsung medical center
"Hello Dr. Ha-Yoon? "
"Dr. Nelson?  How are you? "
"We have a problem,  the H5N1 virus,  it's killed one of my lab monkeys! "
She paused  
"This is very serious Dr. Nelson, are you sure?! This would mean that the virus has the ability to transfer to humans now "
Amy sends the results
"Look!  It's mutated.  We have to alert our head Medical staff! "
Ha-yoon agreed
"I'll let the officers here in Seoul know and you do the same in Langley. "
"I will!  Please Dr. Ha-Yoon,  be well and safe!"
"You too,  안녕 (Korean for goodbye) "
Amy ends the call and gathers her research
She gets a text from Mark
'Hey babe,  I made dinner!  Lemme know when you come home. "
She smiles
'Hey on onto something big,  can't talk rn but Ill be home late"
'Everything okay?'
'Yea I'll explain when I get home.  Love you! '
'Okay,  I'll be waiting'
She head to the Head researcher
"Dr.Morales!  Please a moment of your time. "
"Amy.. What are you doing here so late?  You should be at home. "
"Please sir,  I've made a new discovery with the help of Dr. Ha-Yoon in Korea!"
"Okay gimme a second"
He escorts her to a conference room
"Okay calm down,  what's going on? "
"Three weeks ago,  medical staff in Bundang found that a new strain of the H5N1 virus was killing large amounts of birds...  And today,  somehow,  it killed one of the lab monkeys. "
"Are you sure? "
"Yes,  the strain has the ability now to infect humans"
He paused
"Burn everything. Scrub the facility clean.  Make sure that whatever is down there dies! And Nobody leaves this facility until they're cleared And get yourself to sanitation. "
"Yes sir! " She does as she's told and gets herself to the sanitation wing. 
An hour later she orders the staff to head to sanitation and to have the lab center purged. 
She orders all staff to remain on lockdown,  no one was to leave without her explicit authorization. 
Everyone is eventually cleared after almost 4 hours. 

She gets home and finds Mark on the couch... He waited for her. She had woken him up to ask if he wanted to head to bed. 
"Huh.. Amy! What happened at work? "
"We had a scare, we went through the whole process and everyone was eventually cleared. "
"You freaked me out back there.  But I'm glad you're okay. "
"Yea I'm good...  Wait... OH GOD!! "
She runs to her phone and and calls Ethan...  No answer... 

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