Patient Zero

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(Above is a trailer for the 2011 pandemic movie "CONTAGION" which hi lights disease transmission that will be in this section. Watch it if you want! P. S. AMAZING MOVIE)

*Ethan's POV*

I set up to go home. I grab my equipment and wave Dr.Nelson bye. I walk out with case in hand and I happen to spot an open door. Doors are supposed to be locked. I go to close it and when I touched the handle so. Ethan was on it. Grossed out I wipe it on my jacket and go home.

I stop and grab some food, the usual, a McChicken Large fry and a Sprite. Gave the lady my card and picked up my food
I stop at the location store and grab some cat food for Maya. After all that I head the long hour home.

I get home, kick of my shoes, and Maya awaits me, meowing loudly for the food that she knows I brought her. I scratch her head and sit and turn on the news.

"Good evening everyone it's great to have you back on this busy day, we begin tonight with a report of a possible viral outbreak at Langley Centre for disease Control and prevention. It turns out that a possible unlocked door and new evidence that shows a possible new virus caused the Head Epidemiologist to close down the facility. And quarantine everyone who may have been exposed. "

"Oh shit!! " I grab my phone and call Amy....
"You have reached.. "
"You have reached.."
You have reached..
You have reached..
You have reached..

Dammit Amy!

I try her husband
"You have reached..
You have reached..
You have reached..

"Hello? "
"Hi mark?! It's Ethan! Have you heard from Amy? "
"Oh hey, no I haven't heard anything, but from what I heard, something escaped and they put everything on lockdown. "
"Do they know what it was?"
"From what I heard it was that crazy bird flu that's been killing all the birds in Korea, they did say that we'd be okay. "

I breathe a sigh of relief

"Okay I just wanted to see if she was okay, I was there earlier and everything happened after I had left. "

Mark gets up from the seat with concern
"You were at the CDC?"
"Yea I was filming Dr. Nelson and when everything was good I left. I'm halfway out of town and I heard about what happened. "
His computer dings
"Hey Mr. Fischbach I have to go, let me know when Dr. Nelson comes back bye"
-3 hour time skip-

Finally done! I submit the video and all my work to Dr. Nelson. I feel bad, I haven't heard from anyone and she's probably stress.. Giving her this seems bad of me...

I get up and I loose my balance and almost fall... My legs feel weak... It must be from sitting for 3 hours..

I go out and order something small from a local burger shop pay and wait till I get home to eat.

I get home and take a bite.. It's the best in town. I feel a heaviness in my stomach and in my chest. I finish up and go lie down. I'm not feeling too good...


I wake up with a sharp pain in my throat and stomach and a throbbing pain in my eyes and head before I know it I rush to the bathroom and vomit... A lot... I finish and wash up and go to check the time. It's 11: 39 AM, FUCK I'M LATE!! I grab my things and my laptop and rush to my car and drive.

I doze off and begin to swerve and I crash...

*paramedics arrive and find him unconscious but alive and they pick him up and front to the hospital. On the way there he starts coughing hard and begins to vomit and cough blood. They arrive and find he's still unconscious. They admit him to the ICU and prep for an evaluation. He has a seizure and dies*

*the woman from McDonalds goes home and tends to her children and begins to feel ill. She takes some pain killers and takes a nap while her children eat*
*the cashier at PetCo. Starts coughing as he rings up orders and hands people their cards and bags and petting their animals. He goes to the back and notices he has a fever and takes some water to rehydrate and heads back to his shift*

*Amy and Mark are at home trying to get a hold of Ethan and no answer. Amy begins to panic and wonders what to do. She calls a team of investigators to his house to hopefully find him*
A: I need a team to 2886 s Christina Ave. Bring suits, I think the area has been contaminated with a hazardous contaminate.
*Nathan is the director of the team*
N: You got it Dr. Nelson

Pandemic (H5N5) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang