Public Notice

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(Hey guys! So above is a video that gives an example of an emergency broadcast. Even though it's over a zombie virus outbreak, it should she'd some light on how emergencies are broadcasted)

A girl and her family are inside watching the news unfold. A group of protestors at the barricades outside and inside the quarantine zone are joined together for the maltreatment of citizens in the quarantine zone. Virginia is under lock and key and their hopes are to contain the virus without any one else getting sick.
No one is to leave or come into Virginia.

"Good evening and welcome to a very busy weekend I'm Tyler Schied, we begin with a eruption of people outside the Capitol building where dozens of people have taken to the streets. They're protesting acts of aggress-------"
(Play the video)

The following message is played at the request of the Virginia State Police Department and the Virginia Department of Health.

An unknown and uncontained virus is spreading in all counties of Virginia and to adjacent states. Reports are also being heard in West Virginia, North Carolina, south Carolina,Maryland, Tennessee and Kentucky.

Symptoms of this virus include
1. Vomiting
2. Severe headaches
3. Skin lesions
4. Severe choughing
5. Dizziness
6. Unconsciousness

If you have any of these symptoms quarantine yourself immediately.

An issue of Quarantine has been authorized, citizens are ordered to stay in their homes and keep off the streets. A curfew has been issued from 6pm to 9pm. Anyone discovered out or purposely breaking this curfew will be arrested. Further noncompliance will be treated as a threat and you will be shot on sight "

The family stood,  sat on their couch...  In a shock. The mother was taken by their father into the kitchen.  Her Brother took her into the bedroom.The brother insisted that she play the video game she bought For Christmas. 

She loads the game and plays trying to ignore her parents screaming. An hour goes by of silence and the shooting of the game. 

A pound at the door was heard.  Loud and it shook her.  She paused the game and went to the edge of her door and stood at the frame, her neighborhood patrol officers were at the door,  officer Daniels was there. She tried to wave but hesitates when she hears him speak. A playful community officer was deathly serious. 

"Maya, This is something you should not take lightly.  The city is on red alert. Nathan please tell her! " Daniels urged
"Maya...  Think of Sam and David.. We Have to listen Daniels. "
Mom seemed to be mad and went off into the kitchen. Officer Daniels and Dad shook hands and he left.  Dad grabbed his keys and left for the market before he left he gave Sam and David a kiss. 
"David,  take care if your sister! Sam, do not leave the house and Do NOT open the door for anyone except Officer Daniels and me okay! "
"Okay Daddy,  but I'm scared..  What's going on?! "
"I'm going to the market to get some supplies. I'll be home as soon as possible. For now,  have a small snack. Please,...  Don't go outside. "
He gave her a kiss on the head as well as his son and left. The mom,  now very upset,  scolded them and told the both to go back to their rooms. 
As they played games and red time began to pass by,  dad still wasn't home. "He must've gotten stuck in traffic,  he'll be home soon" She thought. 

Their phones began to buzz and sirens played on their phones
"This is a national security alert played at the request of the Virginia Health department, 
Mandatory curfew is now in order, those who are co laughter outside during this curfew is in violation of the imposed Martial law and will be arrested. "
As soon as it shut off her dad came rushing in from the garage door.  She ran out of her room and to her dad as he came with groceries. 
Nothing much and not enough. 
2 cases of water
3 loafs of bread
2 bags of rice
1 can of beans
And a radio. 

She kept calm,  mom would know what to do. 

Time is going by,  Mr and Mrs.  Anderson left as soon as they could.  I tried texting their daughter claire but she didn't pick up,  she always answers her phone. 

The creepy guy that mom told me not to look at wanders around at night. 
Last night I heard violent coughing that came from out drive way.  He coughed so hard that he was almost gasping for air.  I was so scared I ran to my parents room which was right next to mine and I tried to quietly wake up my dad. 

"Daddy,  theres someone on the driveway" I said whispering
Dad immediately jumped and shook my mom awake
"Maya!  Grab Sam! " He shouted in a whisper
She jumped from the bed without asking twice and grabbed me by the shoulder and hid near the bed.  Dad had an old gun from when he used to be in the police force in his night stand
As soon as he closed the drawer, loud banging was thundering on the garage gate.  Dad sprang up very stiff like and mom held me tighter,  seconds later she realized,  David wasn't here. 
"Nathan!  Where's David??!! " She whispered
He rushed towards the room which was on the opposite side of us and opened the door.  David was almost 17, 5'9 and at 190 lbs but he was in his closet scared because he heard people outside of his window and they were banging. Nathan daw as David gestured to the window.  Small cracks were in it and then moonlight allowed them to see the blood stains on the window. 
He kneeled to his son in the closet and said quieter than a whisper
" Moms in my room,  crawl to the room and stay there. " He mouthed. 
David shakingly obeyed and got on all fours and crawled his way as his dad was behind him.

The banging got louder and cries from what it sounded like a woman,  man,and a young child. 

As he got closer he could make out voices as the coughing had longer intervals. 

Markus and Paige Anderson were the ones at the door.  Banging and begging for Nathan to open the door.  He got in front of the door as David made his way to his mothers arms. 

"Nathan....  Please *BANG BANG* plea.. se...  *cough* open the.. Door..  Claire is sick...  Paige is sick..  T. *COUGH* THEY NEED HELP PLEASE! "

Nathan took a deep breath and drew his gun. 
"I'm sorry Markus,  I..  I can't let you in. "

"No..  No Nathan..  Please..  M *COUGH* daughters.. Sick... " Paige said faintly

"I'm Sorry Paige..  I..  I can't"
A Loud thud was heard on the other side.  The glass peak through revealed that Claire had collapsed.


he stayed silent and backed away from the door

Markus began to kick the door and managed to break the handle

The door swing open and Nathan fired a shot. 

A moment of silence as they realized who was shot. 

Paige stood there stunned,  she choked on the blood that swelled in her mouth and looked at her chest and fell.  She hit the floor like a brick and her face smacked in the pavement. 

In rage,  Markus Sprint toward Nathan and Nathan fired again. 
The bullet shot in his face.  Just below the eye. 

His one eye rolled back and he fell backwards.  His head hit his wife head as he fell and a loud crack could be heard. 

He fell to the ground..  He suddenly realized he killed his neighbors. 

A small cough came from where it had all happened. Claire had woken up and began to walk back to her house. In the middle of the driveway she passed out again and never got back up. 

Minuets later officer Daniels in a mask and protection came and with 3 fully clothed protected men lifted the dead bodies away as trying not to touch anything. 

Daniels explained that they were to be moved to a secure quarantine area and await to be housed again. 

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