Um... what just happened

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                      🐺Percy's POV🐺

Rachel leads us out of the endless maze. Even though it wasn't that long of a walk it still felt like we had walked all the way from New Mexico to New York. The light hurt my eyes as we broke the surface. I could feel the power filling my veins because of the Park right next to us.

I looked around and burst out laughing. They looked at me like I was the crazy one.

"WOO! FREEDOM AT LAST!" I yelled into the sky. People on the street looked at us. Thalia grabbed my arm and dragged me into an alleyway as the others followed.

"Percy calm down. We are in a city full of people who will think your crazy!" She scolded as if she was a mother telling off their child. I laughed a little but nodded at her. "Now go call your Pegasus friends."

I nodded. Once I called them we split up two per Pegasus. I, of course, sat with Thalia seeing as the other had partnered up already. It was almost as if they did that on purpose. Before we took off Rachel asked if she could talk to me for a second. I nodded and got off as Thalia scowled at Rachel.

Confused I followed Rachel.

"Hey what do you need to talk about?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." She said as she looked down. Tears fell down her face.

"Hey Hey, what are you sorry for?" I said as I put my finger under her chin and lifted it up so she had no choice, but to look at me.

"My dad. His job is literally destroying the wild." She told me trying and failing, to look away from me.

"Hey, Rachel that's nothing for you to be sorry about ok. You're not the one doing it." I told her as calmly and confidently as I could muster. Her eyes watered before she whipped it away.

"Thanks, Percy."

"Your welcome!" I smiled at her. Before I knew it she kissed me. I froze. What was happening? How did this happen?! I didn't think I was leading her to believe I had feelings for her. Do I? I mean I shouldn't! But what if I did? Why is this so confusing!

She pulled away and smiled at me. I smiled back, but it didn't really reach my eyes.

"Bye Percy!" She yelled as she ran to gods know where. I walked back to the others confused and numb.

'You ok Perseus?' The wolf asked.

'Um... what just happened?' I asked it.

'You got kissed by a girl.' It told me. I was about to make a comment when I snapped back into reality.

"You ok Percy?" Thalia asked me.

"Yeah yeah. Come on we have to go."

Hey guys. Sort chapter I know. Been a long week and I just wanted to get a chapter out today so I wrote this all today. For those who read some of my other books 'son of hades' should be updated next. If I had more time I would have made it better and longer, but I've had a busy week and have a birthday party/sleepover to go to tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed I will see y'all later

Percy Jackson son of Artemis Where stories live. Discover now