The final battle part 2.

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"Oh? And your choice?" Kronos asked. His voice seemed confident like he knew what my choice would be.

"My decision is..." I started. He was hooked onto every word. "no"

"What?!" He shouted, practically shaking the room.

"I've decided not to take you up on your offer," I smirked as he frowns.

"Do you know what you've just given up?" He asked me.

"No. I know what I've just saved."

"Foolish demigod!" He yelled as he rushed at me. With his sword raised high, he strikes. I quickly blocked and counter-attacked. My sword just bounced off his skin. He smirked.

"You can't hurt me you fool!" He spoke with overconfidence lacing his voice. He tries to skewer me with his, but it does nothing.

"What!" He growled.

"You're not the only person who took a swim in the River Styx," I confessed to him. He glares at me with a deep hatred.

"This is foolish! Give up already!" He yelled as he strikes again. I blocked, our swords against each other refusing to give up to the other.

"Never! I must win! For my family!" I cried out. I could feel myself growing weak as timed pass. Despite the curse of Achilles, I still only had so much endurance.

Kronos seemed to notice this and smirked. He added more strength and I tried to match him.


What neither seemed to notice was that Thalia was moving normally once more. She was currently trying to coax James to rejoin them, saying that if he turned his back on Kronos right now he would be excepted, even celebrated, by the demigods.

"Cmon James. Join us and all charges shall be dropped." She told him.

"We both know it's too late," James responded.

"No, it's not! James please." She begged. James looked at her with a conflicted look.

"I don't know." He looks at the floor.

"James please."

James sighs. He takes out a bow and arrow and points it at her.

"I'm sorry it ended like this Thalia." He told her with sad eyes. Thalia kept a straight face. Right before James let go he turned to Kronos and sent the arrow at him.

Kronos quickly pushes Percy back and blocks the arrow coming at him.

"How dare you betray me! I gave you everything!" Kronos yelled.

"And you took away more," James said and aimed another at him. Kronos growls at him and snaps his fingers.

James lets the arrow fly as the roof above him gave way. James was buried under the rubble. Thalia looked at Kronos.

"Ethan please stop this." She told him.

"Ethan is no more! I am Kronos!" He said.

"Please, Ethan. I know your still there!" She continued.

"Shut it!"

"This isn't what you wanted Ethan!" Her eyes began to water.

"Stop this!"

"Ethan, please! I know this isn't you! This wasn't your plan!"

"Shut your mouth you w-witch!" His voice seemed like a combination of two. The first was Ethan and the second was Kronos.

"I'm begging you, Ethan! End this!" She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"T-Thalia pleaser-run." Ethan's voice overlapped Kronos'.

"Ethan please!"

"Ethan you have to stop this!" Percy joined. "We can't fight Kronos without you!"

Ethan looked at Percy. He smiled sadly as he drops his sword and takes out his old dagger.

"Look after her ok." He said. Percy looked confused before realizing what he meant. He nodded. He wrapped Thalia into a hug so she couldn't see what happened next.

Ethan's eye turned its natural color as he plunged his dagger into his side. The dagger went through like a hot knife to butter. Thalia sobbed into Percy's shoulder.

Percy felt a tear roll down his face. He could barely watch as Ethan's cold body fell to the floor. Percy has to look away, but sadly that only leads him to find the rubble where James had been.

Percy barely held back a sobbed.

Then the gods came into the throne room.

Words: 672
And so the story is coming to an end. All that's left is the epilogue. I hoped you enjoyed.


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