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"You're so mean captain Ichimaru... I swear I think my heart stopped a few seconds when I saw you."
Kira sighed while eyeing Gin then his eyes landed on me.

He stood up and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you too."
I chuckled.

"So what is actually going on here?"
Kira asked as he released the hug.

"Well... long story short, they managed to keep me alive inside a tube in that crazy scientist's lab."
I sighed.

"That's somewhat not surprising at all."
Kira chuckled.

"I know right?"
I followed his chuckle.

"Well, is there anything you want to do today?"
Kira asked.

"Hmm... I could use more information about the new Seireitei. Can you help me with that?"
I said.

"Sure. I mean, I don't mind. But is your body well enough to take long walks?"
He eyed me.

"He's right, your body isn't well enough for that."
Gin commented.

"I feel energized after eating your food earlier. So I think I'll be okay. Besides, I have Kira by my side the whole time."
I shrugged.

"Okay then, want to go now?"
Kira offered his hand and I took it.

"See ya!"
I waved to Gin.

"Wait! You two are leaving me?!"
Gin yelled from his office, making me and Kira laugh.


"So this is the new whole look of the town."

Kira took me on a walk on top of the barrier protecting the Soul Society.

"Woah... a lot have changed..."
I gaped.

"That right there in the middle, is the 1st squad barrack. Next to it is the 3rd that we just came from. And a little bit to the left there, is 4th squad barrack."
He began to explain.

"They moved our division to the center of the town?"
I asked.

"Yeah, Captain Commander thought of our position as the squad that controls the military so we have to stay in the middle so we can distribute power evenly."
He explained again.

"I see..."
I nodded in understanding.

"Right there, the only pink building is the health center of the 4th squad and the white building next to it is still their squad."
He said.

"So they started to use their squad colors?"
I chuckled.

"That's right. Our squad is still half painted since we're the last one to be painted."
He said.

"And why is that?"
I asked.

"Well we actually wanted to change the color of our squad. From azure to black or silver."
He smiled.

"Captain Commander didn't approve?"
I guessed.

"No, he actually told us to do what we think was right."
He chuckled.

"Then why...?"
I questioned.

"Well... for starters, both me and captain Ichimaru remembered the first thing you said when you got appointed as the captain of the squad."
He said as he smiled softly at me.

"Really? What did I say?"
I honestly don't remember what I said that day since it was so long ago.

"You said that you're glad to be the captain of this squad since the people are nice and you love the fact that our squad is symbolized by marigold flower and the color azure. You said that they made you feel calm and at peace."
He explained while smiling the whole time.

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