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*Byakuya's POV*

Of course I was shocked when I saw her. She was announced to be dead... 10 years ago.

A rush of both relief and memories flooded my head at once.

She's getting even skinnier now...
Her eyes and hair gotten light too, almost pink

Well... at least she's acting like she was.

I sighed out and smiled softly at her.

We chatted for a while until the energy went somewhat wild and stopped our conversation.

I got a little anxious as I heard what Ami said to me about the voices... and when she walked towards the energy.

I was about to rush and take her back to a safe distance but I was too late. She already walked into the center of the energy, as if the energy welcomed it's master.

In a split second, the energy dissappeared without a trace.


"Are you okay?"
I said as I approached her with the others.

"Yes... of course.... I'm... fine."
She said, seem to be spacing out.

"You sure?"
Soifon asked her.

"Yes, yes, I'm okay. Well... at least the energy dissappeared now."
She slowly smiled.

"That is indeed, good news if it does. But if it doesn't... So excuse me, I have to go back to my lab and do some research about this."
Mayuri said.

Then he and his tiny lieutenant went their way. Soifon and her lieutenant also went their way back.

"Say, I really miss those who's in the real world right now. Want to join us?"
She asked.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Me and Kira. He's been kindly showing me around. Thank you."
I heard her said that while squeezing his hand gently.

She clearly doesn't have much strength left in her. So it's probably best for me to join.

"Yes, I would like to join the two of you. I have matters that I have to discuss with my sister too."
I said.

She smiled widely.

I can't believe this is happening again...

I can't help but smiled at the sight of her bright smile.

After I opened the senkaimon, we went to Karakura Town to visit them.


*Ami's POV*

"Wow.... this town doesn't change that much in these years."
I mumbled to myself.

"Yes.. humans do improve a lot these past 10 years. But they improved way slower than we do back in Soul Society."
Byakuya explained.

"Right. I forgot about that."
I sighed.

We walked to Kurosaki Clinic and sensed a lot of strong spiritual pressure inside of it.

Well... no wonder. Ichigo and the others are inside.

I stood still in front of the door, nervous.

"Why did you stop?"
Byakuya asked me.

"I'm... nervous I guess?"
I chuckled.

"There's nothing to be nervous about."
Kira took my hand and soothe me.

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