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"What is it about?"
Mom asked me.

"Mayuri and Kisuke have to do some final check up on me before they made the report that I'm in a good shape."
I informed while still chewing some food in my mouth.

"I see. That's good then, I don't have to worry that you suddenly pass out."
She sighed in relief.

"Really mom?"
I raised an eyebrow lazily.

She lightly pinched the bridge of my nose before putting the dirty dishes in the sink.


"You sure you don't want me to keep you company?"
Gin asked.

"Nah, I'll be fine on my own."
I smiled in assurance.

"Okay, but if you need me, just scream out my name."
He smirked.

I just smiled at his words.

He hasn't changed at all.

After I'm sure that Gin is not following me, I shunpo-ed to the 12th squad's lab as fast as I can.


"You're here so soon."
Kisuke greeted, seemingly surprised.

"I don't want to be late."
I shrugged.

"That's good, don't waste my time."
Mayuri said as he walked out of his private office.

"I won't."
I shrugged.


They did so many test on me the whole day. I think it has been more than five hours since they started the tests on me.

"Another test and it's the end."
Kisuke smiled comfortingly.

I smiled back at him gratefully. He assured me a bit.

Then like what he said, after the last one, it's the end. At least until I got the result of the tests. Which is.... Tomorrow.


[The next day]

"Are the results good?"
I asked the two scientist.

"Yeah, we found no bad thing in your body. You should be fine and you probably will be at your previous condition in about three months or so. You were in a coma for a pretty long time after all."
Kisuke explained.

"So for the meantime, you can consume this."
Mayuri handed me a bottle of medicine that reeks of horse-shit mixed with greentea scents.

"Ew! What on earth is this?"
I scrunched my face in disgust.

"Your temporary medicine. So that you won't struggle doing things, and by that I mean about sudden pain or headaches."
He explained.

"Ugh... Fine. Thanks."
I groaned.

"Anything for my lab-rat."
He shrugged.



So the next months are spent with me recovering. More and more everytime I did a check up with Kisuke and Mayuri. Now my reiatsu level is back, along with my other abilities that I lost before.

"Kisuke, are you okay?"
My eyes narrowed in worry.

"Yes, I just lack sleep these days, new inventions."
He smiled, trying to reassure me of his condition that's getting worse by day.

His face is really pale, his lips are very dry and almost blue in color, while his hair color dulled so much. It started since two months ago. I don't know what's wrong with him since everytime I asked him about it, he'd answer the same thing.

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