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We came back to Soul Society after dinner at the Kurosaki's. Thankfully, my strength returned a little, so I managed to walk back on my own, without any help from Kira or Byakuya.

"Let's get you home first."
Kira said as he motioned to me to jump on his back like how he carried me around Soul Society this morning.

"You don't have to. I can take her home."
Byakuya intervened.

"Ah... but Captain, I shouldn't give my responsibility to others, that would put a shame on both mine, and Captain Ichimaru's name."
Kira said politely.

Wow... he changed a lot...

I thought to myself.

"You two don't have to walk me or carry me home. I'll be okay by myself."
I smiled reassuringly.

The two didn't seem to buy my words and stared at me with a poker face then stared at each other and nodded.

"Whatever you two are thinking, I don't like it."
I said cautiously.

Then suddenly Byakuya got me into his usual bakudou, six heavenly pillars and managed to tie me up completely.

"What. In the world. Are you going to do?"
I said.

"We're taking you to your house."
Byakuya said, cold as usual.

Then Kira made another bakudo. I think he made it himself. It's a spell where you can trap anyone inside a cube and that cube follows you around.

The two then walked side by side to my house. With me inside of the cube, banging on it and complained the whole time.

After a while, I realized that the cube is completely sound-proof. So I stopped banging on it and also stopped complaining as well.

Some time later, we're finally at the gate of my manor. Kira knocked on the door, then we're greeted by Takase with a smile.

"Come on in, your mom has been waiting for you."
She said.

Then both the cube and the binding disappeared by the command of the two.

"I hate the way you two took me home. But.. thanks."
I sighed.

"It's only right to do such thing."
Kira shrugged and Byakuya nodded in approval.

"You guys want to come in first?"
I asked.

"I'll pass, long day tomorrow."
Kira waved and went away.

"Okay then, byee!!"
I waved him goodbye.

Then I stared at Byakuya who's been staring at me while I was waving to Kira earlier.

I asked him.

He sighed and slightly smiled.

"So do you want to come inside or not?"
I sighed.

"Maybe next time. But do deliver my greetings for your mother."
He said.

"Sure. Byee~"
I waved him goodbye.

Then I walked in. I can't wait to see mom. But I stopped in my tracks as I remembered...

I didn't ask them about the engagement..!!


I leaped into her arms.

She beamed.

I can see tears brimming in her eyes.

"Such an amazing news, darling!"
She said while kissing my whole face.

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