Mr stink

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I was awoken by the sound of viva la vida blasting from my phone. the joy of Monday mornings. This wasnt any Monday morning, today was the first day of a new schools year.

I quikly my put on my horrible grey uniform and stumbled out the door. when I arrived at school everyone was already lined up to go inside. When we went in we met our new teacher let's just call him Mr stink.

I was sat next to a guy called Charlie medium height blonde blue eyed but really smart. just a tad weird but I liked that. My mum says we'd make a good couple but anyway I doubt he even notices I exist.

sitting directly across from us were my friend Beatrice and his best friend Luke. the four of us were by far the smartest in the class. at lunch me and Sophie talked about the summer she had got a new boyfriend named Ian. Beatrice was short had long brown hair and green eyes, quite pretty. she was a real tomboy all the guys pretended to hate her but you can tell they really fancy her.

I'm tall have blacks hair Blue eyes.

Lilly RobertsWhere stories live. Discover now