the labyrinth of suffering

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The fault in our stars , the most amazing book ever comes out in movie form on June 19th.

I have invited fiona and Ann to see it with me. Beatrice hates Ann . shes popular and friendly and everyone loves her accept Beatrice. but she and fiona had read the book and for that reason I invited them.

I had avoided telling her up untill the day before. we were playing rounders Beatrice was in front of me and Ann was behind me.

so 3:45 questioned Ann. 3:45 for what snapped Beatrice. nothing I muttered. what is it lily she retorted. the cinema I stated

to see what?

the fault in our stars



with who?

none of your business

with who?

fiona and Ann.

then she turned away.

throughout the rest of the day she went around interrogating everyone asking if they'd been invited to the fault in our stars.

I can't actually comprehend how rude she is. I never even liked her to begin with all she ever talks about is how everybody likes her and her many boyfriends. she's broken up with Ian she was with Afro dude for a while but that didn't work out .I was best friends with fiona and Emma (we will get to her later) from when I was three untill I was about thirteen. we were inseparable and then Beatrice decided to make me her slave. I had to carry her coat do her homework buy her sweets and be her messenger pigeon I don't know why  I agreed. Probobly becouse she scared me and I was too polite to say anything. more than likely becouse she would always say that I was her best friend. she ruined me but nobody would ever belive me becouse I was her best friend.

and while this was happening Emma became best friends with Sarah and fiona with Ann so even if I got away from Beatrice I would still be alone and that is why I put up with her.

there is no way out of this labyrinth of suffering.

Lilly RobertsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt