all the things he said running through my head

15 0 0

one month later ...

it was a regular Wednesday afternoon. Charlie was sick so I didn't have anyone to talk therefore I decided to start my maths. Mr stink was gone somewhere (more than likely eating) and we were unsupervised.

I could hear Beatrice and Luke whispering about something. and then I heard the distinct voice of Beatrice calling my name. "Lilly" her tone was as if she knew something I didn't. you know, or like she was threatening someone by telling me something.

and sure enough a femtosecond after ,I heard Lukes voice. "no seriously,don't tell her. so naturally I asked a pointless question. "what is it " . "dont Beatrice" Luke warned. "ill tell you at yard time" said Sophie smugly.

the wait until yard seemed longer than ever. I had to know what he had said about me . I meen its not that I care that much about him I meen he's kinda a tiny bit cute but. I'm like a foot taller than him and he's nearly a year younger than me.

besides Beatrice and my other friend fiona both have a thing for him and he's like really popular besides I hadn't even taken that much notice to him before.

at last I was awoken from my daydream by the sound of the bell. I hurried out to yard as fast as I could avoiding the crowds of people. and there was Beatrice.

"Bea" I called she turned around from her conversation from Afro dude (atually a different Luke but that would complicate things ) "ehmmm what was it Luke said earlier" I muttered trying not to sound too eager. "oh ya that " she said.

Lilly RobertsWhere stories live. Discover now