。the rules of attraction

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TITLE: The Rules of Attraction
AUTHOR: bluebellSlytherin25
CHAPTERS: 7 (ongoing)
SUMMARY: Roan Wallace hated sleep, he hated closing his eyes and letting the abyss overwhelm him because it took him to places, places that were dark and cold, dropping with blood and filled with the monsters of his past. It was so horrible that Roan himself had developed a fear of sleeping and with bags underneath his eyes and an unfocused mind, the Ravenclaw took to wandering the halls of Hogwarts, hoping to escape the abyss that wanted to claim his soul.

There was one thing that Roan looked forward to in his daily wandering, despite having a deep seated dislike for the boy, he couldn't help but sigh in wistfulness whenever he was near the red head: Percy Weasley.

No matter how much the boy infuriates him in class and out of it, Roan couldn't help but feel butterflies in stomach whenever Percy looked at him, he couldn't help but have his heart thump like a drum Whenever the perfect gave him one of his stupid smirks or smiles and he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be wrapped up in his arms, something that probably felt as soft and comforting as a fluffy pillow.

There was just one problem....

Percy had a pretty girlfriend and wasn't gay or at least, that's what he knew.

So, Roan closes off his feelings, masks them as anger and decides to use his wanderings into the night as the only reason to see his beloved, a beloved that could never be his.

There isn't much that I can say concerning Percy's character, since we haven't seen that much of him. He is very present in the protagonist's mind, but the little we actually see of Percy seems pretty accurate.

You have captured his personality well, in this sense where Percy is quite arrogant, but this arrogance hides an emotion rooted so much deeper inside him, caring, compassion. Percy's more than an intellectual and you've shown it pretty well. The only suggestion I can make would be that you show this conflicted aspect Percy feels perhaps more explicitly for the readers to comprehend his nature better. He's a complex character who's often misunderstood and who needs as much understanding as possible.

Keep writing!

(written by kencbi)

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