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It hard to believe that before I mean my now wife my life was hard because I was .a single father and she was a single mother she was going through something similar as me she lost her husband in a car crash and then she was. In some  relationships with people that was not the right fit with her and her triplets .so she back up and moved to where I live in the same building and .then she started working at the same hospita as I do and me and .her where both

Finding it hard being single parents and that was not easy for both us when we help each other it came easy for both us because it was a good thing to understand.what we are both going through because we both lost are other halfs but she was aslo dealing with leaving a ex boyfriend after what happened .with her husband   because he was to controlling of her and she did not want that kind of person around her daughter's and she did the right thing leaving and moving to my town and taking the jod but I had to help her and her best friend keep her ex-boyfriend from finding her

Anyway this days we are happy married so let me tell the stroy of how me and my Pamela got to this day

It was about 5 years ago around 2017 and 2018 let me take you back to then like it was yesterday I should start the stroy from the beginning of how we both lost are other halfs I lost my son mother thought childbirth and it was not easy but I new that I need to .be able to be the best I could for my son and that night that . I lost is mother was one of the hardest nights of my life

Lets hope that you can see my stroy so here we I said it 2017 when I lost the my other half and I was only 24 and she was older then me .


It was a. Day like another day I left for work early in the morning because I got call because of a emergency surgery need to be done  and I had to be one of the . Surgeons that was on call and it was not. A easy day so I was working normal and  it was good because I am one of the top Dr around

When I was done one of my friends came and told me that my grilfrind   cherly was  in early labor and it was not going to be easy on her and .stuff and so I went to her side so I went form being the Dr to being .the  boyfriend of the patient and father-to-be

My friend Niall was the Dr that was helping her give brith and she was having alot of troubles and. I was not looking forward to.what he had to tell me

Niall : Liam your not going to like what I need to tell you but I need to tell you this as a Dr not .your best friend how. Do I tell you this it Cheryl never made because she lost to much blood but your son made it I'm sorry mate but your going to be .a single father

Liam : well I know that you and the other Dr did everything that you can and that a good thing but where I I'm Dr to I understand that when you lose to much that can happen I'm going to need to be strong and happy for my son and . I know that my family is going to be there for me

NIall: you are right mate we are all going to help you through it all so what are you going to be naming him 

Liam : she want to name him 🐻so that what I'm going to name him because she said that one of her relatives was almost named that and she want to do it in memory

I can believe it as of this moment I was going to be a single father but little that I know that with the help of everybody that I would soon find out exactly what I was going through and I would meet the woman that was going to help me through it all a little did I know that she was going through similar stuff not too far from where I was

Liam it time for you to ready and let's hope that you can get through this

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