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Liam's POV

When we knew that job was close one of Dan's men we need to be ready for everything that's been coming are way and. We are going to be doing the best thing that we can and everything

But right now we are waiting for Scotland Yard to come and check everything out here around the lake 🏠we really need to to come up with away that we can make my baby. And her grils safe because she been thought so much already

Yes believe it that we need to do the best that we can and it a good thing

Liam : baby clam down it a good thing that Scotland Yard are on the way here and everything it a good thing that others to any inside because really shock up after see her ex and that's not a good thing you all need to be able to feel free form this shit and everything right now

Pamela: yes your right I just want to be able to live my life with you baby and move forward and work and see that my kids are safe I came here to the UK to start over and that's a good thing

Liam : yes it is beautiful and they said that Scotland Yard check to see if Dan was back around the🏥 hospital where we work and that's a good thing because we don't need him to be trying to get you there baby. I promise that I'll see you said and everything right now  because you are my life and soon as we know that you are safe and sound and everything I'm marrying you

Pamela: okay baby

With that Scotland Yard show up and checked around and everything this Joe guy was gone there was a note left telling Pamela that Dan. Was the cause of her husband Jeff death and that's was not a good at all .she this Dan is way more carzy then we thought

Pamela: can't believe that Dan made me lost my husband so he can have me this guy is  some carzy that I don't want to be dealing with anymore I just want to be safe and everything my life is getting better now that I'm with you baby but I don't need Dan coming back he so carzy

I had to take my baby inside and it looks like Scotland Yard was going to be staying and everything like that it a good thing but right now I knew that I was going to have to make sure that I'm with my baby and her kids and my son all the time where going to need to see what we can do keep safe


Dan's POV

Shit Scotland Yard is around now and they found a note about me doing that to her husband she. Never going. To want be mine and shit she as a 💍from that Dr Liam James Payne now I'm going to need to try and get in that lake 🏠some how because if I can't have Pamela know one can shit I need to make my move sooner then I thought that I would

Joe: Dan really want to try and get her tonight that carzy man

Dan : you just shut up and do what you are told and mean it where going to be getting what we want and that's a good thing

With that I took my men and I'm going to try and get my baby tonight because she need to know she mine and that's something I'm never letting go


Pamela's POV

I'm so freaking out right now because I know what my carzy ex is going. To do I can't get over the fact that he made it look like a car cash because he want to have me and everything he totally lost it and that's not a good thing at all I want is to be safe

Liam : ( kiss Pamela) hay baby I'm right here with you thought all of this and everything I'm going to see that you are safe and your daughter's as well because of this carzy man we need to be ready and that what we will do

When my baby said I yell because Dan and his men came into the room where we where and it was a good thing Scotland Yard thought that it was a good move to take my daughter's and 🐻and all the others here to safe place  because what Dan don't know is that I'm wearing a wire and I'm going to do everything in power along with Liam helping me to get Dan away for good

Pamela: shit asshole Dan it was because of you I lost Jeff he was. The love of my life you could not let me and him be and now that I have found some else in Liam here I'm going to be happy and don't you try and come near me you fuck up of a man because you have took everything way. Form me in the pass I'm not going to let that happen again

Dan : well let's see I'm the one with the 🔫and everything right now so there's know why you are not listing to me baby and my men have your your so called new man because I'm not letting you leave me that easy I broken out of jail just. Because I want to find you and take you back with me

Pamela: I don't think so you sick fuck ( thinking I just need to keep him talking till Scotland Yard get here)

Dan : you have a mouth on you gril when did you get the balls to talk to me like that

Pamela: since I found out what the real you is like

Dan:( puts the 🔫to Liam's head) you know it because of this shit that you will not come back with me and if I can't have no one can ( goes to kill Liam but Scotland Yard get there in time )

Scotland Yard : I don't think that going to be happing because we have everything you need take you down and your men  are all took in and everything we have enough to send you back and everything and you will never be near Pamela and family again

Dan : damn bitch you had a wire

Pamela: yes I did and me and Liam just played you like you did me asshole

With that they took way the hell taht was in my life and I ran and jumped into Liam's arms where I need to be

Liam : baby I'm okay you did great now we can get are life's back and the next thing we need to is get going and  work and plan are wedding

Pamela: I love you baby let's go home and be with the kids and everything and get back to a normal life

I was happy now that I can move forward with out dealing with my ex shit I mean he took everything from me in the pass but now it over

With that me and Liam went home to the ones we love

DR PAYNE surgeon on call( a laim Payne au )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ