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Liam POV

I can't believe that.cherly is gone and now I need to be a single father and do the best that. I can for my son 🐻but I'm going to work so hard and do my best that. I can be doing right now

Niall : mate you know that we are all going. To be there for you when you need us that what best friends are for but I'm going to find Zayn for you man . because you guys are almost like brothers and that not going to be easy if you ask me but where all here

With that Niall went to find my best friend Zayn that like my brother because I can talk to him about these things better and that a good thing and it special because. When you have a friend like that it one .of the best things that you can have I just hope that I can push forward

Meanwhile away in the USA

Pamela POV

Hard to believe my.daugthers are 4 and about 2 years ago I lost my husband jeff in a car crash and .I miss him every day and .that not a easy thing if you ask me but . I am working hard and everything to be there for my kids I'm a nurse but I .need a change I'm packing up with my kids and my best friends and where moving to.the UK where I have been off a job as a special time of nures and the pay is more than what I'm making for here .and I I'm happy because I don't want my ex boyfriend that I had after my husband finding me .I broke up and left  . because he was to because he was  controlling of me
That is something that I do not want my daughters to have to go through so I was not about to put my daughter's through that

So it going to be any day that I'm moving with my girls even my mother and father thinks it's a good idea because they think that I need to have the space after everything that happened where I lost my husband and now this I think I never really had a chance to greet and get to be there for my girls without having to worry about that I'll hanging over my head

Best friends are happy to move with me and everything because they need a fresh start because a couple of them are getting rid of rotten relationships and everything too and this is exactly what all of us girls need to coordinate our family is because us girls have always been very close like sisters and that's one of the best things that we could do

Amy : hay Pamela I can't wait to pack up and get the hell out of here because of everything. That a been going on and it a good thing that you are going to be getting a 6 bed room flat because you have the grils and me you and Christina

Pamela: ya and I can't believe that they're going to have everything first and everything because basically is flat sarwar people that live the work at that hospital and everything is going to be great doctors and nurses and everything live in these type of buildings

Amy : it's only a couple more days and we're leaving which is going to be great I know one thing for sure this fresh new start that's exactly what we're all going

She was right about that


Few weeks later in the UK

Liam POV

I was coming back to my flat after walking my 🐕 my mother as my son 🐻for the night and I'm heading back to my flat building for the. Evening and I saw a 3 young woman and 3 little grils that looks like triplets and they were all trying to get it ready to go into the building and take things in it looks like the girls and the kids were moving in I thought that maybe me and the guy is 11 the building should give them a hand

Liam : hay you lady's new here

Pamela: yes we just moved here form usa I'm.the new nurse that was hired to be working at the hospital and everything like that here and these are my daughters and these are my two best friends are going to be taking  good care of my daughter's going to college here of my daughters when I'm at work there going we doing their classes and stuff when my daughters are in school and my daughters get home one of them will be here at I can meet at hand I'm a single mom so it's kind of hard

Liam : I see that I just recently became a single father because of the fact that my son's mother died having him in childbrith is not very old. My name is Liam Payne I'm only 24 for but I'm one of the top surgeons at the hospital I graduated at a young age and everything from medical School and I worked really hard to get to where I am

Pamela: heard about you being one of the top surgeons and everything which is good I'm going to be one of the nurses that's working alongside of you and everything so I'm looking forward to that  oh by the way my name is Pamela Jennifer Jeffries and these are my 2 best friends and I'm only 28 ya I had my daughter's 5 years ago and I was married but my husband was killed in a car crash and . I just got away form a ex boyfriend that was to controlling and everything so I thought I needed to be able to start a new one stuff so I packed the girls and everything came here when this job opportunity came up

Liam : well that's a really good idea so what apartment number are you guys going to be in so I can help you and get some of the other guys will help you carry in the big heavy stuff thank you have too much to take in by yourself

Amy : that would be great my name is Amy and are other friend name is Christina so that a good thing

With that I thought it be a good idea for me and lads to help maybe it will be good to have friends around but I got a feeling that Pamela and I are going to come close

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