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Pamela's POV
Soon as me and Karen had breakfast made and the other came back inside form being out getting everything ready we all sat down at the table me close to Liam and holding is hand under the table because for some reason I just can't sake the feeling that Dan is going to be trying to do something soon and I don't want to deal with that right now and I hate have these feeling

Liam : ( whispering in Pamela's 👂)baby are you oaky you seem jumpy

Pamela: I not sure but I have a feeling taht dan going to be trying something soon and everything because when I was with him I could tell if he was about to do something baby and that not a good feeling to have

Liam : don't worry baby you got me and I love you and I'm going to see that you are never scared of him again you and your daughter's mean the world to me baby

When Liam said that I smile and moved closer to him and. I saw his parents watching us from the corner of their eyes and I knew that they were happy for us and everything because they just want their son be happy and they really welcome you to the family which is good but I'm really wondering what's going to happen if Dan to find us


Dan's POV

I have my men trying to figure out where my Pam by beautiful light and her daughter's have gone because she doesn't leave me she as been my obsession for years ever since we were in school she was one of the popular girls I was not a popular guy but I knew that there was something about her that I wanted and I do get what I I said she has no idea that I was the one that caused her husband to die so I can get her and everything I'll do what I want is she supposed to be mine I mean it

When I was thinking about all of this one of my men came and told me. That she been at the lake 🏠of some Dr Liam James Payne and his family and I believe that there now dating and everything.he said and he really good to her and the grils and everything .

Well I'm going to need to see if I can get Pamela away form them she left me when I was .took jail after I did something to her and my gang had something going now. My baby didn't know that I was into drugs and alcohol things and other stuff she was not noting that she. Kept busy with her job as nurse and taking care of her daughter's was when she. Found out everything about what was in that she as left me

Joe : ( one of Dan men ) : hay are we going to find her because if we find her. I might be able to have Amy back she was my baby she left we she found everything to

Dan : we'll find them soon but we need find out where the lake 🏠that there hiding at is and everything and I'm going to be making sure that this new man in my babies life don't stand in my way

I knew that we really need to get everything done the way we want and stuff because I'm getting closer to bring my baby back to me


Liam POV
Well the day as been going really good but I can tell that my baby and the other grils where feeling a bit off

Zayn:you okay there man you seem like your miles away so what's going on inside that head of yours were all trying to set up with a bonfire and it seems like you're definitely like out of touch so what's up man

Liam :just I feel like the girls have been jumping all day and everything you know because of the fact that they know the dams around and they might have other people coming home and everything I just feel like I don't like cleaner that way you know I just want to make sure that my baby is going to be okay and everything and I have to deal with her crazy ex I know I sound like a broken record repeating about that a lot of is just scary not knowing what's going to happen where in the corner

Zayn : well it a good thing that she as you made

Louis : he right mate and you have all of us to help you to and if we see anything we will let you know

Harry : there right but I believe we need to make sure that grils are. All going to be find

Niall : ya lad just know we got all your backs

It was good to know that I can count on the boys when I'm going. To be needing them and everything it not always as easy as it comes but I'm going to be the strong one for my baby and I really wish I knew how carzy her ex is

Pamela:( walks up to Liam and kiss him ) hay baby

Liam : hay beautiful how you doing now

Pamela: much better because I have you it just werid that me and grils have been so jumpy and everything today

Liam : baby it okay your scared because you're crazy ex-boyfriend is trying to find you and everything like that I know you keep saying he's crazy but just exactly how crazy is cuz you never really told us exactly how far goes and how bad he is

Pamela: let's just say he's so crazy that when I was with him I didn't even know that he was into drugs or alcohol and ahead of the gang and causing a certain crime Lord ring yeah that's how bad he is and that's why the girls wanted to get here with me and everything to my best friends cuz they dated son was a henchman so now you understand why we wanted to get the f*** out of there so you know language

Karen:now we understand why you flew all the way here the UK and everything but how did you get a chance leave if you don't mind us asking

Pamela:well I'm asking will come for something that they didn't they were put in jail and when I found out everything I left and came here but I guess it seemed like they got away so the cops back home or still looking for them and everything Scotland yard here and still nothing to help us so yeah we're just trying to make sure everything goes the way it's supposed to be

Then we made a song more determined to that's my baby in the rest of everybody else because we really need to make sure there's no major problems and stuff and I can see why she just want to get on her girls away from that I mean she was in a relationship with a guy that she didn't even know real ham and what he was going on about seemed like he was obsessed with her for some reason but why

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