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Pamela's POV

as we were leaving the lake house and everything getting ready to go my baby took me to a nice car I couldn't believe how sleek it was but he said he rented it for tonight are you really was pulling out all the stops

Pamela: I cannot believe you rented a convertible for the night and everything maybe you're definitely have something plan up your sleeve but I just wish I knew

Liam : if you knew about that then it would only ruin the surprise and everything when that now beautiful one let's go

Pamela: so how long are we going to be gone for a couple hours or everything like that or do you have something really planned for the whole night and you have it set up the kids are going to be watched

Liam : this is going to be a nice night for you and everything and the kids are going to be watch so don't worry about it I have everything sent a token care of I just want to make sure then I ain't take your mind off of things like I've been trying to do lately

Pamela: it seems like every time we have a bit of special time you always know how to take my mind off the fact that my crazy ex is out there and everything you always know how to make me feel like I'm worth it it's go I'm definitely looking forward to having a night like this I mean I never really felt this way was a guy ever since my husband died I have a relationship I had until this one was not prepared for that but this one is special and everything you want I mean you're just more important to me now than any other one I dated after him I just wish that I knew that he was watching over the girls and knew how beautiful they grew and I hope he's okay with the fact that I'm moving on with you

Liam: I'm sure he is I don't think he wants to see his wife alone the rest of her life and everything as a widow I think you would like to see you happy and stuff the way you should be so come on let's go baby you're going to see how much you mean to me like I said this is going to be a perfect night now come on

I definitely was looking forward to what he had planned for us tonight I really want to see exactly what's going to happen


Meanwhile back at the lake house

Karen's POV

I was getting ready to put a movie on for the girls and put Bear down in his playpen and everything like that when the girls asked me if they think their mommy is like she going to say yes to Liam

Sam :do you think that Mommy is going to say yes to Liam I think they're going to be really good together if she does I really hope she takes the 💍

Karen:I have a feeling that she is going to say yes and everything is you the way they look at each other and stuff like that. He's going to make sure she knows how much she's loved and everything like that

Sara :that's a really good thing because she's been missing Daddy way too much and everything it was time for her to be happy and I know if Daddy was able to tell her that he would want to see her happy again not be alone he's probably watching over us and he's probably guiding us to each other lol

I think that these girls are so sweet and the way they talk they may be young but they seem to know what they really want another happy and everything which is a good thing I just hope everything is going to go perfect for my son and I hope you'll have a soon-to-be daughter-in-law very soon


Liam's POV

I was really nervous about getting ready to do what I'm going to do tonight but I want to make it's going to be absolutely perfect we pulled up to the French restaurant and everything like that valet takes the car and I'm glad that I was able to do this

Pamela:it's beautiful and everything her baby but the place is kind of expensive you sure you want to spend that kind of money on me

Liam : Pamela Jeffries are worth every penny so don't have to say it again

Pamela: oaky if you say so Dr Liam James Payne

Liam : yes I say so

Pamela: well okay then let's see what you have planned for the night handsome

Liam : sure come on beautiful I'm going to be showing what I have in mind and it's going to be a night that I hope that you will remember and I mean it because I love you

Pamela: I love you too baby and I can't wait to see what you have in mind and sure it going to be a night that I'm going to remember

When she said taht I knew that was going to be making a something she with not forget


Pamela's POV

When we got inside we sat down at are table and waiting for the waiter to come I was hoping to see exactly what we're going to have cuz this night seemed it was going to be something that my baby and plant and I think he went through a lot of trouble never thought that I got to do this for me but you know what even though I lost my husband about time you forever with somebody that can make me happy and Liam   someone I can trust

But I could tell that  my baby was very nervous about something so I really wanted to know exactly what  Liam  and was nervous about and I guess he was going to tell me when he was ready

Pamela: baby are you okay you seem nervous

Liam : yes I'm find beautiful but there something really important that I'm going to want to ask you

when he said that he said he would ask me it right after we eat our dinner so we started to eat and everything and I was hoping that everything was going to be okay but I was really curious what my baby wanted to ask me I know one thing for sure this is definitely a beautiful night so far he's definitely making me feel like I'm on top of the world I've never really been to a French restaurant or anything like that before

Pamela: thanks baby dinner was really good and that double chocolate cheesecake that we have for dessert was really good as well

Liam: like I said you're welcome beautiful and like I said I really have something very important that I'm going to want to ask you and I really hope that you don't think I'm moving too fast when I do this

Pamela: okay good a head

I noticed that half the restaurant was looking at us and everything like that then I start to notice that Liam was getting out of his chair then got down on one knee I couldn't believe it but I had a feeling he was going to ask me I had a feeling that I knew exactly what I was going to say

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