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Pamlea POV
I can't believe that. I'm starting at the hospital tomorrow and that I need to take my daughters to there knew school today and everything and. They need to were there school uniforms one of them does not want to wear the skirt was going to wear the dress pants instead because she's more of a tomboy they're only in kindergarden but it's cute

As I was getting ready to head. Down and start my car I knew I was having trouble with it and everything plus the fact that I had to learn how to drive on the left and everything was crazy I don't know how I'm not getting this to start cuz right now I need to get the girls to school because I have to get some last-minute stuff done before I start work tomorrow

Liam : looks like you're having a pretty hard time and everything they're trying to get your car to start and stuff like that

Pamela: yes and I'm also having a hard time trying to get used to finding my way around this place and everything and stuff because when you're not from the UK it could be different and everything like that and the fact that I have to drive on the left over here eventually hopefully I'll get used to all of that but right now I'm trying to get everything ready so I can get these three little girls of mine to school

Sara : mommy I hope that we get

Sam: yes Mommy because we love are teacher

Sabrina: mommy we don't want to be late on are frist day

Pamela: that girls but you're going to have to wait and let Mommy get the car going if she can that's the problem right now

Liam : I know exactly where their school is and everything and you're having trouble trying to find your way around what am I give you a lift since I have to pass their school to go to the hospital you don't start work till tomorrow but I can drop you off there actually don't you have to do a few things at the hospital before you start work tomorrow so I can wait for you and take you

Pamlea: thanks and that would be a really big help and everything cuz yeah I do have to finalize the paperwork and everything to start tomorrow so yeah that would be great

With me and. My daughters got into Liam car with him and that a good thing is when you're starting new you have to really figure out what you're going to do next

Pamela: thanks for the ride and everything by the way because I don't even hear a few weeks in the other girls are getting rides with Hailey and everything to school so they're doing pretty good but like I said I really need to be able to step up around here since I start my job actually tomorrow I'm getting these girls in school it's a nice change I like it here cuz people are so much nicer than they are or where I'm from

Thanks for the ride and everything by the way because I don't even hear a few weeks in the other girls are getting rides with Haley and everything to school so they're doing pretty good but like I said I really need to be able to step up around here since I start my job actually tomorrow I'm getting these girls in school it's a nice change I like it here cuz people are so much nicer than they are or where I'm from

Liam: need to worry about that so much and everything just to tell you the truth I mean you've helped me out the last couple of nights when I got call in to the hospital and I did not have babysitter you watched my son for me and I did you asked you because you overheard me and my situation and everything so I least I can do is give you a ride

Pamela: what are friends for becasue since me and my daughters and my friends got here we all cames friends with you and your friends and it feels like the the ones that work at the house for almost like family to each other

I was so happy I'm coming good friends with Liam and the boys because I don't know what. Me and my daughters will be doing and everything if I never had somebody that I can count on one cuz of everything that I was trying to leave behind

Liam : that's a good thing that we now have your daughter is dropped off at school and everything so we got to get ready and go to work let's just see how things go for you today and everything which is pretty cool

Pamela: ya and I'm happy that we can get to know each other more and everything and it a good thing because you're always really busy and stuff like that I know what it's like to juggle like I said when you're a parent but I have three kids you have more I think about it that way but least you're working hard and I'm good to see that you are stepping up and everything and like you said you lost your son's mother and everything like that and I lost my daughter's father as well and you push forward when you need to

Liam : yeah I don't mean to come off sounding kinda rude or anything but I know your kind of new here and it's kind of been a while and everything was inside dated and I don't know how long it is for you but I'm not saying this in a bad way like to get in your pants or anything whatever I like to get to know you so I don't know what to go on a date with me

Pamela: well Dr Liam Payne if you asking me to go on a date huh I'm accepting is I really want to see where this is going to go cuz I tell you the truth that's kind of been having dreams about you since we started hanging out and everything like that and I can't seem to fight my feelings towards you anymore

Liam : I've been feeling the same way I haven't had anybody since my son's mother or anything like that and I don't know what to do when everything is just I feel like my life is going great and everything in a lot of ways career-wise I got a great family but not let you my love for life like I'm missing that intimacy and stuff with someone

I totally understand where he was coming from and then I gave him a kiss and everything to tell him I'm glad that we are actually going on a date wasn't planning it but then he said she's that was really good I said yeah he said as long as you own one day just to see if you don't like me but now I know you like me would you be my girlfriend when he said that I said yes I would happen I'm gone from being a single mom not knowing what to do to having a boyfriend but I do want to take it slow and I hope he understands but if something happens that we go to have a little fun I'm not going to tell you the truth we both can use it

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