Chapter 2

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We got to school and I pulled out my schedule. Larry and I were in the same classes so we walked together. "So Sal, are you nervous?" Larry asked noticing how quiet I've been.

"After what happened this moring, yeah." I said looking up at him.

"Hey man, sorry about that. She is my girlfriend, we always get back together when school starts. I didn't expect her to scream like that though." He said looking down.

"Oh, hey Sal! Did you know that when school starts im gonna get my face sucked by some girl who hates your best friend?" I said strying to sound like Larry.

"Oh haha Sal, I forgot to tell ya because it felt nice having someone to be around and talk to that has ploblems similar to mine. You are the bestest friend I've ever had, and~... you are a great listener!" Larry said playfully punching me in the arm.

"Awe~ Thanks Lar, I appreciate the compliment!" I said in a sarcastic tone. Then some guy ran into me which made me fall.

"Dude what the hell!" Larry said helping me stand.

"Oh, sorry Larry 'SHIT'son, didn't mean to run into your girlfriend. You got weird taste if that thing is what your into." He said pointing at my mask.

"First, Im a guy. Second, Im not gay. Third, my mask is a prosthetic so go suck a fucking dick asshole." I said grabbing Larry by the arm and walking to history class.

'yeah, you showed him, but am I gay? No, Fuck no, Sal your not a fucking fag.' I thought to myself. The bell rang and class was starting. I sat all the way in the back corner hoping the teacher would forget about the new student and just start class, but of course she didn't.

"Okay class, we have a new student today, Mr. Fisher, come introduce yourself to the class."


I walked up front only to be met with a bunch of gasps and screams and the guy that I saw earlier.

"Um, Mr. Fisher, you have to take that thing off. Its against school rules."

"Well, I hate to break it to ya lady but its against the law for me to take it off. Its a prosthetic, they said it might scare people when they see my face." I said coldly.

"Oh, Im sorry. The school didn't tell me. Please continue." She said embarrassed.

"Fine, my name is Sal Fisher and I'm 15 years old. My friends call me Sally face because, well im pretty sure you can see why. Don't ask what happened to me or to let you see my face because I wont allow you to see it. If you follow my rules we wont have problems. Oh, and by the way, I'm not a girl, call me a girl and I'll make sure you won't be able to say another word for at least a month. Try and bully me if you want, but I won't give a crap if you do. Say anything about my friends your dead. Just because I'm tiny doesn't mean I'm powerless. So we cool? Good. Can I go sit now?" I said, no one could even speak after that. Even Larry was shocked.

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