Chapter 11

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This took a minute cuz I forgot what the plot was- I had to re-read everything hahaha


It was already Monday, unfortunately I had no choice but to go back to school. 'Can I just drop out?' I asked myself as I went down to the lobby. I already felt like I was going to cry due to a nightmare I had.

I walked up to Ash, because she was the o ly one there so early, and just leaned on her. "Oh, hey Sal!" She said smiling to me, she put her arm around my shoulders to comfort me like she normally does when I am stressed.

"I dont wanna go to school..." I said in a whiny tone.

"Well you have to, or you will fail and have to redo the grade and be alone for the rest of highschool." She said and shook me a bit.

"Whaaat? Yall would leave me? What kind of friends are you!" I said, sounding dramatically offended.

"Haha, of course we wouldn't, Larry would purposely fail to be with you, or Todd would try and change your grades. I would visit you every day until you graduate!" She said smiling.

"This is why I love you guys..." I said with a light chuckle. Just then, Larry came up behind me and put his chin on my head like I was his head rest.

"Laaarrrrr you're heavy!" I said whining as I moved from under him.

"Saaaallll, you were comfy!!!" He said and started chasing me around until the bus came.

Larry, Ash, Todd, and Chug stayed really close to me in case someone tried anything, then Larry put me on the inside next to him. He smiled at me and held my hand to make sure I was alright. We stayed relatively quiet the whole ride to school, only talking about little things here and there, but of course there were whispers here and there and you could vaguely make out 'Freak' or 'Creature'.

Time skip  to Lunch

I was sitting at the table by myself whe everyone was getting lunch, and of course, Travis had to bring his bitch ass over here to mess with me when the others couldn't see me anymore.

"Hey there Sally Face, how ya feelin'?" He said acting all innocent.

"What do you want Travis?" I said rolling my eyes.

"I just wanted t ok make sure you were alright!" He said and laughed like we were friends.

His face then turned from gentle to sinister.

"Spit it out you fucking Warn out Ken doll!" I was obviously getting angry.

"Why don't we watch a little video?" He said and the lights went off. The big TV in the cafeteria turned on, and my body froze.

"H-h-how did you, HOW DID YOU FUCKING GET THAT!" I said and immediately pounced on Travis, beating the SHIIIIIT out of him.

'How did they get the video of-'

Literally don't know what I'm writing anymore but enjoy the cliff hanger if anyone is still reading. I know people are mad at me for not uploading but my health and my grades come first, and if you cant accept that then you are a really fucked up person. Anywho, love all the support this story has gotten and I will be continuing this while I'm virtual schooling!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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