Chapter 10

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When I finally woke up, I squirmed a bit. I realized I was still in the tree house, but something was off. I felt something warm on my back and had something draped over my shoulders.

"W-what..." I was a bit confused and then saw the mask Larry gave me on the floor next to me. I picked it up then put it on my face. One of Larry's coats was draped over my shoulders, and Larry was asleep next to me, holding me like I was a stuffed bear he hadn't seen in years.

My face immediately turned red and I pushed Larry a bit to wake him up.

"Psst... Larry?" That didn't work. "Larry? Lar? LarLar? LarryFace? LarBear?" I said climbing on top of him and shaking him.

'God dammit Larry'

"LARRY WAKE UP YA FUCKER!" I said as I slapped him.

"IM UP AND I'M PUMPED!" Larry sat straight up, head bumping me so I fall back, which obviously wasn't the best idea, because Larry doesn't know how to watch what he says! "Shit Sal! Are you o-" he looked down a bit. "Holy fuck dude, you have a small dick!" He said as I immediately kick him in the face and move, squeezing my legs shut.

"SH-SH-SHUT THE FUCK UP LARRY! " I said extremely embarrassed.

'Never wearing skinny jeans again' I thought to myself.

"Fuuuuuu- Sal that hurt like heeeeeeelllll" he said rubbing his cheek, then turning red as he realized why he got kicked. "Shit Sal, sorry dude!" He said standing up.

"Whatever..." I said standing up. "There's a fucking reason why my sweaters are big." I said as I adjusted my mask.

"Yeah, im really sorry! I had to say it!" He laughed a little than pulled on my sweater a bit. "But seriously Sal, what happened to you? Where did your mask go...?" He said with a worried look on his face.

"I-...I don't know... I went out for a walk, I needed some fresh air. Everything just went pitch black,  I knew exactly where I was. I was in town, but there was no lights... then I woke up.. I was in a middle of a crowd... my mask was gone... they looked at me like I was a freak... LIKE I WAS A MONSTER! DISGUSTING, FREAKY, MONSTER!!" My tone changed and I began to shake and cry. Larry pulled me into his lap and hugged me, rocking me slightly as I cried.

'Larry... why do you always have to be so nice to me... a monster like me.... why... why...' I thought as my tears flowed more. Larry  took my mask off and set it to the side, but he never even glanced at it. My chest felt tight, but I pushed it off as normal. Just then I felt the tree house shake, and of course, FUCKING BLONDIE BITCH HAD TO RUIN THE MOMENT!

"Hey La- What the fuck is that doing in here! Why is it on you like that!" She said as Larry set me down. He pat my back as he walked up to his 'Girlfriend'.

"HE is my best friend, HE is here because He can be, and HE was on me because I wanted to calm him down." He said, which made me smile a little bit no one could see because I wasn't facing them.

"That's not a person! Have you seen what's under that mask! Its all over social media so I don't know why you woul-" Larry cut her off.

"Actually, no. I haven't seen it, you wanna know why? Because I respect him more than that. I also know that it was you who ripped it off and threatened him, but guess what. You won't have any fucking reason to do it anymore because 'FUCK YOU'. If you wanted to be my girlfriend then you wouldn't have messed with my best friend. So why don't you go fuck Travis again, and make sure his bitch ass doesn't text Sal again." He said as she got mad. She left the apartments entirely.

Larry sat behind me and played with my pigtails, it feels so good when someone plays with my hair. (kinky hoe😜) "I'm so sorry about that Sal, I didn't know she would go crazy." He said and tugged my pigtails a bit, so I would lay down in his lap. He didn't look at me which kind of made me happy.

"L-larry... you can look if you want... I know you of all people would be the most curious... and it's not like everyone hadn't seen it by now.." I said as I sat up.

"You sure it's ok Sal?" Larry asked as I put the mask on and face him.

"Im sure." I said and put his hands on my mask.

"Alright." He said and gently removed my mask. He looked at every scar on my face, he stared at every little imperfection. "Sal... you are such a piece of art..." He said as he gently rubbed over my cheek, so it wouldn't hurt. "I wanna paint you."

My face turned red slightly. "R-really? Me? I-I'm not something to paint..." I said looking away a bit.

"Sal, you look fucking cool, so fucking messed up that it makes you beautiful,  fuck what everybody else says, I would fucking kiss you right now." He said seriously and my face turned red. He busted out laughing.

"Wh-what!" I said embarrassed.

"Nothing nothing. But I really wanna paint you" he said with puppy eyes.

"Fiiiiine" I said giving in to his eyes.

He pulled me into a hug and tugged a bit on my pigtail, cuz he knows it makes me feel better. "Thank you Sally face" he said in my ear.

"W-whatever....Larry Face" I said blushing a bit more.

Muahahahahaha. One of Sal's kinks kekekekek. Ok ok so that's a new LONG CHAPTER, NOW BYE. ZACABOI OUT.✌

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