Happy Birthday, Bucky (post TWS)

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Steve began to unlock the door to his apartment, keys in one hand, piece of vanilla cake with white frosting in the other. Bucky's favorite. It was March 10th, at 10:45 PM. His expression was blank and he seemed to have an empty and thoughtless mind. As he entered the main room, he placed his keys down and put the slice of cake down.
He had had a long day working. Sam and him were working on their, "missing persons" case, and it was bringing him down. Traveling back and forth 5 times a week between D.C. and New York to the Avengers facility was tiring. All he wanted to do was work on finding Bucky. He was alive, and he needed to find him. He was somewhere out there, he was the one that pulled him out of the river.
He walked over slowly to his bedroom, undressed, and put some comfortable clothes for bed. He remained expressionless as he brushed his teeth and stared at himself blankly in the mirror. His eyes began to look a little less blue and more of a grey. His hair was messy, he needed another haircut. It's not like he cared, he had so many other things to think about and do. He finished brushing his teeth, and wiped his mouth. Standing there for a moment, he critiqued himself. You could've prevented this. It's your fault he's all alone out there now. He sighed, then walked out of the bathroom and shut off the light. Skimming his feet across the hardwood floor, not giving a care to pick his feet up off the ground fully, he walked to the kitchen, where he stopped and stared at the piece of cake he placed down earlier. He picked it up with his left hand, and walked to his room.
Steve finally made it to his room, where he opened his curtains and window. The cool air from outside gave him goosebumps on his arms. He shuddered. He placed the slice of cake on the window sill, then sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his hand. He sat like that for about 10 minutes before doing anything.
"Well," he began. "I know you won't hear anything I'm about to say, but let's just pretend you could." He brushed his messy hair back and sat with his legs propped up. "I just wanted to say happy birthday, I'm not sure if you remember, but it is your birthday." He stared at the wall silently. "I thought this would be easier," he said softly while his eyes began to water. "Thank you for doing what you did, pulling me out of the river. I wish I could actually tell you, but it's alright." He stood up and sat down on his bay window with a leg up. He looked up at the moon, and talked to it as if it were Bucky. "I miss you. It's been hard knowing that you're still around and I can't do anything to help you. I wanna be with you and guide you to a better place, but I can't." Words began to get more difficult to say. "I hope you're doing alright. I wish you were here with me. It wouldn't even have to be for long." His voice cracked. "Maybe just enough time to drink some coffee and talk to you. You're... my best friend. Please know that I love you." He pushed the piece of cake in front of the open window and got up.
"Happy birthday, Bucky." He tucked himself away into bed and quickly fell asleep. As he began to snore, an arm crept halfway into his window and grabbed the treat. The arm retreaded and the person climbed up to the roof where no one could see them. They laid down on the roof and stared up as the stars alone in solitude. Bucky took a piece of the cake and snacked on it while he gazed at stars. I love you, too. He thought.

*I'm aware this was actual shit, but I just needed something for Bucky's birthday lmao

(Edit: I just realized I never posted this until now, fuck)

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