First Kiss (pre-serum fluff)

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*sorry basically all of these are pre-serum/pre-war lol I like pre-War Stucky a ton (as well as present day, but I like skinny!Steve a lot 😂)

"James, sweetie, wake up~" Bucky woke to a sweet, feminine voice filling the air. As he opened his eyes, light streamed in from a nearby window. Sarah stood above him in her nurse's uniform, softly shaking his shoulder to wake him up. He yawned loudly and lifted himself up from the couch in the living room.
"Good morning! I gotta go to work, so can you wake Steve up for me? I'm gonna be late." He nodded his head groggily. "I have some lunch for you boys on the stove... have fun while I'm gone!" Her soft words were so melodic and motherly, she acted as if he were her own. "And sweetie, you might wanna take a shower," she pointed to his sweat soaked shirt. Bucky looked down at himself, turning red. She smiled and waved her hand as she walked out the front door. She was gone. He exhaled and sat upward. The 17 year old stood up, stretching, then threw his sweaty shirt onto his bag nearby.
"Ugh, shit." He smelled of sweaty teenage boy. He walked over to the curtains, opening them, then made his way over to his bag, where he grabbed new tank top, pants, and underwear, along with a bottle of cologne and a toothbrush. He made it over to the bathroom, turning on the shower faucet and stripping off his clothes. He walked into the shower, letting the warm water wash over him. He quickly showered, trying his best to not use up much water, but also attempting to get as clean as possible. Around 5 minutes later, he jumped out, then began to dry his hair and body off. He wiped the mirror with his hand, looking at himself. He was disgusted. Not by the reflection, but by his abnormal thoughts he had been having lately. He looked at a bottle of cologne on the counter and picked it up. Pour Un Homme. Hmph. He smelled the bottle, which smelt of Steve. He figured that it was Steve's Cologne. He inhaled the scent again. Lovely, He thought. He adored the aroma. He grabbed his own fragrance and spritzed it on his bare chest and neck.
A few moments later, he brushed his teeth, then redressed and exited the bathroom. As he walked down the hallway, he peered into Steve's room. Steve laid on the bed silently as he remained in a slumber. He smiled, then walked back to the living room where he packed his things back into his bag. He had had an overnight stay at Sarah and Steve's apartment; Sarah had invited him over. She was quite adamant that he should come over and spend some time with Steve. When he dropped Steve off from their hang out session, she invited him to stay over. He quickly accepted the invite and was eager to stay the night. He thought about the fun time they had.  
     They ventured to the cinema nearby their school after they got out, then went for ice cream and popsicles afterwards. He recollected the image of Steve sitting across from him in the ice cream parlor as he looked out the window and slowly licked a cherry popsicle, his favorite. His tongue swirled around the tip as he stared up at the sky from inside. He remembered feeling himself turn red as he saw Steve, thank god he had a table covering up the bottom half of his body. He couldn't stand the thoughts. He was used to them though.
Bucky's eyes peered at the clock across the room, which read 11:15. He groaned as he stood up, and began to make his way to Steve's bedroom. He peered his head in, getting a look at Steve curled up in the sunlight that radiated through the window next to his bed. He quietly made his way in, then sat down by Steve's ankles.
     "Hey, buddy~" he slid his hand onto Steve's lower leg and rubbed it as he tried to wake him up. Steve's eyes slowly opened, and he sat up.
     "Hi," he rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Is Ma gone already?" Bucky nodded. Steve leaned back on the headboard of the bed and looked out the window squinting his eyes. "What time is it?"
     "About 11:20 now." He continued stroking Steve's leg, which Steve eventually noticed.
     "Whatcha doin' there?" Bucky quickly pulled his arm away.
     "Oh, uh... you're just warm." He put his hands up and wiggled his fingers. "I got cold hands."
"Oh, alright!" His voice was cheery and cute. He only ever got that way at home, where he felt comfortable and not on guard for a fight to break out. "I'm just gonna lay down for a couple more minutes. You can just lounge in here, if you wanna."
"Well, I mean your ma made some breakfast," he scratched the back of his neck and looked away.
"Okay well you can go start eating if you want to." Bucky looked back at him.
"Hmm, alright. But... can I ask you a question?" He inhaled in nervousness.
"Sure!" Steve smiled. This was it. Don't mess this up, Barnes. You got this.
"Do you, uh... do you maybe like, wanna...," he exhaled in a discouraged tone. "Wanna go back to that ice cream place tonight? It was really good..."
     "Yeah, sounds fun!" He leaned his head on the headboard and looked out the window again. "Their cherry popsicles are really good... you should give 'em a try." Bucky got hard thinking about Steve with another popsicle. In a slick fashion, he pulled the blanket on his lap.
"Um, yeah! Looked good. I'll have to try it tonight."
"Well maybe we can go after lunch or something." He leaned forward. "I could go for another popsicle." Bucky shrugged.
"Sure." Steve slicked his hair back and bit his lip anxiously. His face gained a focused, nearly nervous expression.
"You okay?" Bucky asked anxiously. Steve nodded.
"Mhm." He was possibly the most awkward person ever, which Bucky had noticed while growing up with him.
"Can I kiss ya?"
"Yes, please." Suddenly, he pushed himself forward and wrapped his hand around Bucky's neck, shoving him forward at the same time and locking them into a kiss. That's one way to steal a kiss. Bucky thought. They breathed heavily as they both let go.
"You're so goddamn weird, Rogers," Bucky chuckled. Steve hit Bucky's shoulder as he backed away and hid his face. He turned red behind his hands.
     "I- I didn't wanna kiss you and you ended up not wanting it..."
"What, you embarrassed, Stevie?" He twisted a finger into Steve's hair and bit his lip. "I liked it." Steve lifted his pink face up, earning a smile from Bucky. "You're real cute." Steve jumped up and slammed another kiss onto his lips, making a soft moan erupt from both of their mouths. Steve ripped himself away.
      "Oh my god, I gotta stop before I get carried away! Before I do something I regret." Bucky kissed Steve lightly on the cheek and whispered.
      "Alright, I guess we'll stop." They both looked away and played with their hands, when all of a sudden, Bucky grabbed Steve by the collar of his shirt and lunged forward, kissing him again. He let go of his lips.
     "Do you regret that?" Steve stared at Bucky's lips.
     "Guess not..." Bucky slipped a kiss onto his collarbone.
     "Or... that?" Steve shook his head while biting his lip. Bucky started to lift off his shirt when Steve placed a hand to keep it down.
     "I don't wanna regret anything, Bucky. I don't wanna make stupid decisions because I'm getting hot over you right now." Bucky nodded in a understanding manner, and pulled his shirt back down.
     "Alright, lets just kiiiiiiiss," he whined. Steve rolled his eyes and pecked him on the cheek.
     "I'm satisfied with that."

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