Starting From the Bottom/ Finding a Platform

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Before we can talk about having any kind of fan-base or building a brand.  We must first find the right writing platform for you. There are hundreds out there, but the one I'm going to talk about is WATTPAD

In my opinion, wattpad is the best (And biggest) online platform for writers. They've been around for over 10 years with millions of user daily and counting.

 You might know them more by the amazing success story of Anna Todd and her series called "After" which soon will be adapted into a movie!

Others that have gotten their work on the shelves through this amazing platform our, Isabelle Ronin who wrote "Chasing Red" and "Always Red," and  Lauren Palphreyman who wrote "The Cupids Match" Which is now a Series on CW SEED.

To make a long story short finding a good writing platform is the most crucial part of being an online writer. It gives you exposer, in tern, helps you build your fanbase, which could also bring on the attention of big brands and Publishers. This is a step that can change your life.. for the better I hope.  

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