Twitter & Instagram

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Twitter is, in my opinion, the #1 social media app for communicating with your fans/reader. It's the best way to network and a great way to "Find your Tribe" in the writing industry.  Here are a few ways to navigate twitter as an online writer:

1. Don't follow for follow- You're not going to gain true fans that will stick by you and/or read your work this way. All it's doing is gaining more followers (Which there's nothing wrong with that) but you want to do it more organically. 

2. Build a relationship with your readers/followers- If you're a small profile, odds are you're not going to have hundreds of thousands of comments, retweet, and likes so it's important for you to reply and comment back (Unless it's creepy... never respond)

3. Don't advertise on someone's feed- Just like here on wattpad, people don't like it when you advertise your work on their front profile pages. Odds are, they'll get deleted. Instead, if you want/need a beta reader or just someone to read your work, make sure to DM/PM them. OR Let people know on your own page and don't forget to use HASHTAGS.

4. Use Hashtags- In the beginning, this is how people can find you. Make sure you use hashtags (#) That are relevant to what you're doing and who you are like #writer #reader #author.


Instagram is a great place to post behind the scenes photos. You can give your fans/followers the inside scoop on what you're doing throughout the week. Plus, you can run contests, do Q&A's, and Instagram live's to communicate on a more personal level. Here are some tips on how to grow your following on Instagram honestly, and organically

1. Find your "peak" hours- Peak hours are when people are most likely to be on your page/Instagram. How do I find my peak hours?   Well here's how: Go to your insights on Instagram, Press the "Audience" tab, then scroll all the way down to where it says "Followers" The dark blue scales are the time's people are most likely to see/check out your post.

2. Post things relevant to you and your niche- What I do is post mostly photo's that have everything to do with my writing/ author/youtube life then I might through in a photo of something personal to me like flowers or what I'm eating. People like it when they feel like they can relate to you.  Be Personable. Ask questions in your captions, and respond to as many as possible (AGAIN... IF THEY'RE WEIRD JUST DELETE.)

3. HASHTAGS-  This is how people can find you.  Make sure you use up to 5-10 hashtags relevant to what you're posting. For example, if you're posting poetry, some hashtags you can use would be #poetry #poetsofig and so on and so forth.

   Remember, these steps will not guarantee you fame and success. Hard work and dedication are the things that are going to get you to where you want to go. Which leads us to the next chapter.


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