How Many Times Should I Post?

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Now we're going to get to the nitty-gritty of how you'll actually get "Reads" on WATTPAD

 The best way to get reads on Wattpad is posting regularly. In my opinion, you should be posting at least 2 times a week, 3 if possible, but every day would be even better. And the best way for that to happen is to have a good majority of the story already written out beforehand.

What I normally do is take a whole month to write at least half the story before I start posting. That way, I know I have a chapter ready for the next post. 

Try not to miss update days. That way, people will know when you post, and they have a clear idea of when you post. 

I know things happen in life and sometimes you might miss an upload time. But try not go at least two days without posting a chapter. What happens is when people stop posting regularly, your readers will start to get bored because nothing is happening and they might start to lose interest in the story.

So the best thing to do is come up with a update time that's comfortable for you!

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