Balance: Taking Care of You!

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Being a writer and Content Creator can sometimes take a toll on you. Especially, if you do it full-time. So it's important that you get enough you time you need to feel refreshed and ready to go.

Taking care of yourself is just as important as your work if not even more. How are going work if can barely stay awake, or you feel sick because you're not taking your vitamins or eating nutritiously?

What I'm getting at is don't forget to take care of you! Your life depends on it.

Here are some things I do to relax and wind down:

1. Work out for 30 minutes

2.Drink Plenty of water

3. Take an hour nap (This depends on the day and how much work has already been done)

4. Take a creative break. ( I get inspired by watching youtube videos, listening to music, and read books. These breaks usually take up to a day to almost a week. It's important to protect yourself from creative burnout, and doing this helps me avoid those circumstances.)

Remember, success is great, but if you're not taking care of you, you won't be able to enjoy what you've built all by yourself. So take a moment to smell the roses ( only if you not allergic) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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