Ready, Set, WRITE

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Now that you've found the platform for you, you must now (obviously,) Start posting your amazing story.

At this point in the game (Which is really early I know) You have to treat writing your novel, poetry or anything having to do with your book, like a full-time job. Yes, I said it. FULL-TIME JOB. 

That means scheduling time (for me 3-4 hours out of my day) to write your book. You don't necessarily have to write all in one sitting, I mean, if you're self-employed you can set your own work hours, I'm just telling you what works for me. Just know that you have to put in the work in order to see any kind of results.

Here are a few tips on getting the most out of your writing time:

1. Have a designated time to write your work

2. Have a notebook, phone, or tablet to take with you on the go. (so when you're away from your computer, you can still be working on your book)

3. Turn off your wifi so you can concentrate without wondering around the internet (This is something I'm still struggling with.)

Now, I understand if you already have a "Pay-the-bills" Job that you have to attend to so your writing schedule will be different. But if becoming an Author (Because if you write, you're a writer) is something that you want, you may have to sacrifice some "fun time" to be at home or on break, working on your craft. Shonda Rymes said in so many words, If you're doing great in one area, you're failing in another. 

For Example, if you're meeting your word count, you've missed that party you were invited to.  If you're at the super cool Harry Styles concert, you're missing out on valuable P.R and advertisement time. Building your career is a give and take but trust me, it's so worth it in the end.

How to be a #LadybosswriterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang