Part 5

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"PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME LEAVE" Tears flowed out of Yoongi's eyes. Hoseok was perplexed. Yoongi wiped his tears. "Sorry... I live on ****** St. you can drop me off there if you want..." He sniffled and looked down in embarrassment. Hoseok put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and gave a sweet smile, caring and calm.
"Yoongi, I'm not going to make you leave, I just don't want people to think I kidnapped you or something. You can stay with me as long as you want." Yoongi met Hoseok's eyes, they were shimmering in the light, almost like there were little fairies in his eyes dancing with their wands. "But.." Hoseok continued. "I do think you should go see your parents and tell them about what happened. Yoongi looked down again, like he was having a staring contest with the floor.
"Would... Would you come with me...?" Hoseok raised his hand up to Yoongi's cheek with a finger by his ear, he looked deep into the other man's eyes.
"Of course, we're a team now." Hoseok had the purest smile ever, it made Yoongi's heart rate increase and he got butterflies in his stomach.
Hoseok took his hand off Yoongi's face and lightly punched his arm. "I guess you're like my little brother now, huh" Yoongi smirked, as did Hoseok, and like that they were off to Yoongi's house- no, Yoongi's EX house.

"Turn here" Yoongi instructed. Yoongi felt nervous, it was only his parents, he wasn't scared of them, yeah he barely knows his dad and his mom is an aggressive alcoholic, but if it got down to hand-to-hand combat Yoongi was pretty confident. Maybe it wasn't his parents... Maybe it was the fact Hoseok was with him. They pulled into Yoongi's driveway, it was about 7:40, it was darkish. There were no lights on.
"Welp, they must not be home, let's turn back!" Hoseok was already out and walking to the house. Yoongi groaned.
Hoseok knocked on the door. No answer. "I told you they're probably not ho-" The door opened. Yoongi's mom was drunk... Again...
"Yoomgiii?!" Her words were slurred. "Where the HELL have you been?!" His m0m grabbed his cheeks and pinched them together, squeezing so hard he couldn't talk. "Do you know how much MONEY I've spent trying to look like a half-decent person by looking for you?" The demon lady waited for him to answer. Hoseok got in between them and pushed her arm down, freeing Yoongi.
"Ms, I'm sure there is a better way to solve this." Yoongi's mom laughed.
"HA! And who are you?! Yoongi's boyfriend? I always knew he was gay!" She slapped Yoongi across the face.
"Hoseok we're leaving. Mo- Karen, I'm living with Hoseok now, may this hopefully be the last time we talk." Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's arm and started walking towards the car.
"GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!" Karen yelled. Yoongi had Hoseok get into the car.
"Drive." Yoongi said coldly.
"Don't you thin-" Hoseok tried to reason with him.
"I SAID DRIVE!" Hoseok did just that, he pulled out of the driveway so fast that it could've given someone whiplash. They were on the main roads again soon after that. The silence was never broken.
They arrived back at Hoseok's. Yoongi didn't say a word and refrained from making eye contact. Hoseok opened the door for them, he walked in but Yoongi didn't, he stood there. Looking at the floor, Hoseok didn't know what was going on.
"Are you ok, Yoongi?" Yoongi pushed Hoseok to the side and ran into the bathroom. Hoseok followed him. Yoongi shut and locked the door, sat down on the toilet and started to cry. They were little sobs, he didn't want Hoseok to hear him crying AGAIN. Hoseok knocked on the door, very lightly, not wanting to startle Yoongi. He heard faint sobs and tried to open the door.
"Yoongi, please open the door, just let me in" Yoongi thought about it for a while, he undid the lock and almost instantly he was in Hoseok's arms. Yoongi let it all out everything he has been holding in for years, everything that he has been too scared to let out before.
"Why.." He sobbed making Hoseok's shirt wet.
"Why what, Yoongi?" Hoseok pulled him closer.
"Why does my mom hate me?" He wiped his nose on hoseok's shoulder. "Why am I never good enough? Why are you being so nice to me? Why..." His sobs got quieter. Hoseok picked Yoongi up bridal style and put him on his bed.
"I can't tell you why your mom doesn't like you, I can only try to make you feel good enough, but you're my friend, and you always will be" Hoseok pulled the blanket over Yoongi and kissed his forehead like a loving mother would.
"But... where will you sleep?" Hoseok got a pillow and blanket, set them down on the floor right next to the side of the bed Yoongi was on.
"Right here, so if you need comfort you won't have to go far to get it." He smiled again, that damned smile that made Yoongi's heart skip a beat whenever he saw it. Yoongi thought about how 3ish days ago him and Hoseok were strangers and now it feels like he's known him his whole life.
"Im sorry" Yoongi inhaled. "I'm sorry that in only 3ish days you've been through so much, and it feels like it's all my fault, i'm sorry that you've seen me cry so many times, and that Namjoon got shot, and-" Hoseok cut him off.
"Yoongi, it's not your fault Namjoon got shot, he used to be a gang and left it to pursue a better future, ever since then they've been hunting him down. And yeah, I guess these three days have gone by fast but they've definitely been the most fun ones in a long time. We may have only known each other for a short time but, it was probably one of the best decisions i've ever made'' Hoseok mumbled something but Yoongi couldn't hear it. Not wanting to ruin the moment Yoongi stayed quite.
"Thank you." Yoongi said, and like that they were out.

Next chapter is going to be fluffy and smutty so ;)))))) don't forget to vote and share😊

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