Part 7

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Yoongi Woke up to the sound of something falling. He sat up and started to rub his eyes.
"Oh. You're awake..." Hoseok said, putting his things into a suitcase. From Yoongi's perspective it looked like Hoseok was packing up and leaving him.
"What are you doing hobi..?" Yoongi said fixing his posture.
"It's not what it looks like, I was going to wake you up to help me pack but it's not your mess, so I was just going to wake you when I was done.
"Packing...? " Yoongi was more confused than sad at this point.
"Yeah..." Hoseok froze. "I have an apartment that we're going to go to. We can't stay here." Hoseok finished packing the case and put it by the door where 3 others where.
"What's going to happen to this place then?" Yoongi was curious and stood up off the bed to stand by Hoseok.
"I'll talk to you about it later. Go get in the car." Hoseok was being very stern, Yoongi wasn't really used to this side of him yet so he did what he said. He went and got into the car and waited. 10 minutes went by and Yoongi was starting to fall back asleep. Hoseok put the stuff in the back, Yoongi woke up to him slamming the door. Hoseok didn't know he re-woke up Yoongi. He put gasoline around the house. He got in the car and started to back up. When they were at a 'safe' distance Hoseok lit a match and threw it. Seeing the house burn down made Yoongi wince.
"Why- why'd you do that Hoseok..?'' Hoseok didn't turn to look at him.
"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're safe now..." Yoongi knew there was something bugging Hoseok, The sparkle in his eyes was gone. 
"Hoseok... Are you okay?" Hoseok tried to hide his light smile.
"Yeah I am... Thanks" He made a turn and parked the car. Yoongi looked up at the massive building. It did not look like your average apartments. "Lets go. Grab one." Hoseok said throwing a suitcase to Yoongi.
They got up to Hoseok's Room on the top floor. Yoongi looked around in amazement, the place was HUGE with the best decorations. The walls were marble, the floors were black wood, there was a white couch and matching chairs with a fur rug underneath them, there was a 60" flat screen TV on a fireplace, and there was a stairway on the left side of the room that lead up to the second floor. It was one of those really long and rounded stairways, it matched the floor and had a gold railing. Yoongi was stoked, he couldn't wait to see the rest of the penthouse if this was just the living room.
"How can you afford this?!" Yoongi blurted out. Hoseok looked at him with sad eyes, and sat down on the couch.
"Yoongi..." he said motioning him to come sit by him, as Yoongi cane over Hoseok started to talk again. "I haven't been completely.... honest or open with you..." Yoongi looked at him confused. "I told you Namjoon left the gang he was in to pursue another- a better path, he decided on doing music and wanting to be with the love of his life. Well, I was in that gang too..." Yoongi gasp a little but didn't say a word, Hoseok looked like he was about to cry so Yoongi threw his arms over his waist and hugged him.
"Whatever it is, Hoseok, you can tell me." Hoseok hugged back and whispered thank you into Yoongi's ear before continuing.
"I was in the gang and I left when Joonie did, but not because I wanted to do something better for myself, but because I found a better offer." Yoongi's eyes opened wider.
"What do you mean..?" Hoseok looked away in shame.
            "I work for a underground company called killers park, it's an assassination company." Yoongi didn't believe it. He didn't believe someone as kind and heartwarming as Hoseok could kill people for a living.
            "So... you kill people for a living...?" A faint 'yes' was heard before Hoseok let out a sorry. He walked into what Yoongi thought was the kitchen, Yoongi followed him.
              "Hoseok...? It's okay... I- I'm not very familiar with killers and stuff, but I know you're doing it for a good reason." Yoongi back hugged Hoseok and Hoseok started crying. Yoongi let him cry, so he could let everything out.
             "What did I do to deserve you?" Hoseok spun around and lifted Yoongi's chin so they made eye contact, Hoseok closed his eyes and kissed Yoongi. Yoongi kisses back without hesitation. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Yoongi, even though our time together has been short I feel like I should've told you sooner." Yoongi just nods and hugs him again.

{time skip to a week later}
                "I'll be back later." Hoseok said before walking out the door. Yoongi knew he was off to his job and he didn't really care? Yoongi knew he was fucked up but he never thought he'd be okay with being in love with a serial killer. Now that he thinks about he never thought he'd be in love... what even is love? Yoongi thought to himself. He knew he felt more then just friendship with Hoseok, bUt was it love or just temporary lust? Yoongi didn't know how Hoseok felt either which was one of the reasons he was holding back from confessing. They've kissed before and do stuff like they were in a relationship, but Yoongi just assumed it was because Hoseok didn't have anyone else.
                 {time skip}
                 Hoseok came home to a small Yoongi curled up in their bed. Hoseok would buy Yoongi a bed and let him use one of the open rooms but Yoongi never asked or seemed uncomfortable with sleeping next to him so he didn't. If Hoseok wasn't drenched in blood he probably would've just snuggled next to Yoongi and fell asleep, but he didn't want to scare Yoongi or get his sheets dirty. Hoseok showered and when he came back he was surprised to see Yoongi awake.
                     "Well good morning sunshine" Hoseok teased. Yoongi patted down the right side of the bed waiting for Hoseok to come lay next to him. Hoseok got the message and started laying down on the bed and cuddling Yoongi.
                    "How was work?" Yoongi asked playing with the hair of the taller man. Hoseok just shrugged. Hoseok was wearing a shirt with a unicorn on it, Yoongi smiled and it reminded him of when he wore that outfit.
                       "So... remember when I wore that outfit with the skirt and stuff...?" Yoongi said with a smirk.
                         "Oh yes I do" Hoseok said in a low raspy voice.                                                               
                           "So why exactly did you have those in your closet?" Hoseok just laughed and combed him fingers through the pale boys hair.
                              "They were my Ex girlfriends clothes, I guess I never got around to throwing them away." A little bit of Yoongi broke. Hearing that Hoseok had a girlfriend was almost enough to make Yoongi cry, but he didn't. God I'm so stupid he thought to himself.  Why did I think Hoseok was gay?! That was silly! He's obviously just using you. Yoongi's thoughts got ahold of him and he turned away, not facing Hoseok anymore. He was so hurt by him and it wasn't even something he could control.
                   "Goodnight." Yoongi said coldly.
                   "Goodnight sunshine." Yoongi laughed sarcastically at the name in his head. He kept going on about how he was so stupid for thinking someone like Hoseok could love someone like him. The constant self negative thoughts went on for about an hour, before a single tear fell out of Yoongi's eye and he fell asleep.
Ayyyy kinda of a filler chapter because I can't use the device I normally write on so I had to do it on my phone UwU please excuse errors and such.
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