Chapter 9

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A/N: Shout out to @LaurenCabelloxo (((:

"Are you sure this is safe?" Lauren asked, doubtful of their safety.

"You'll have to trust Toothless LoLo." Camila frowned, "He won't let us get hurt." She added petting his back, "Get on babe."

"You know I can never say no." Lauren sighed, climbing up onto Toothless' saddle with the help of Camila.

"Let's go Toothless!" Camila shouted and Toothless took flight, scaring Lauren in the process.

"Oh my god!" Lauren screamed and frantically wrapped her arms around Camila who was screeching her head off from ecstasy, "This is fun!"

"Of course you'd say so," Lauren said, "Your fun always cost me worry."

"Says the one who always go fight with the bears in the forest for fun." Camila rolled her eyes.

"I can shape shift to protect myself." Lauren replied in defense.

"Well then." Camila smirked.

"Do not do whatever you're about to do." Lauren warned, holding on to Camila even more tightly.

"Too late!" Camila squealed, "Do a flip Toothless!"

Toothless increased in speed and did a quick turn in the air, "Camz!" Lauren screamed.

"You're such a coward." Camila giggled.

"Shut up." Lauren pouted.

< Later At Home >

"Princess?" Lauren called out entering the room they shared.

"Yes babe?"

"My parents are coming to visit this weekend." Lauren replied, slightly hyperventilating.

"That's great Lo, you'll finally be able to see them after all these months." Camila smiled, patting the space beside her.

"I don't know how to break it to them." Lauren admitted, sitting down, "What if they don't accept me? Or us?" She asked.

"Don't worry Lauren, I'll always be here. I promised you." Camila assured, laying her head on Lauren's shoulder, "Don't be too pressured. Tell them only if you're ready."

"Let's do it." Lauren said abruptly.

"Now?" Camila muttered taking her head off Lauren's shoulder, "But the girls are at home and I -"

"I meant I'll break the news to them Camz." Lauren chuckled.

"Oh." Camila mumbled in realization, her cheeks turning red.

"You and your dirty mind." Lauren laughed lightly shaking her head.

Ally's POV


"Hey." Normani greeted back looking up at me.

"Can we talk about what happened the other day?"

"Yeah sure." She nodded, "Take a sit."

"I don't know what I was thinking." I admitted, "I don't know why I kissed you back."

"I'm sorry about kissing you." She apologized, "I just ... I don't know." She sighed in frustration.

"Let's just forget about it." I suggested, "We'll just treat it like it has never happened."

"W..what?" Normani stuttered with a disappointed look, "Get out."

"But Mani -"

"I said get out!" She repeated, pointing to the door.

I walked out and closed the door behind me before knocking into Dinah, "What happened?"

"I kissed Mani last week." I explained, "I talked to her about it just now and I suggested that we forget about it but she screamed at me to get out." I said sadly.

"Of course she's mad!" Dinah chided, "She has been crushing on you since the day we met, the kiss meant so much to her. I don't even have it though I want it Ally." She huffed before walking away.

A/N: So Dinah likes Normani but Normani likes Ally? And will Lauren's parents accept her? Do comment and thanks for reading ((:

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