Chapter 10

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A/N: Shout out to @neyli_xo! Enjoy ((:

It isn't the first time Camila is meeting Lauren's parents but she's a nervous wreck. It's another five minutes before Clara and Michael would arrive and Camila is pacing around the room frantically, biting her lips.

The doorbell rings and both Camila and Lauren jumped in their positions, too scared to walk towards the door and open it.

"Just breathe, everything will be okay." Camila assured taking deep breaths.

"Says the girl who was pacing around the room earlier." Lauren chuckled rolling her eyes.

"Hey toothless." Camila greeted the dragon who had just flew over from the training ground, "It's my first time meeting Lauren's parents as her girlfriend and I'm nervous."

"Are you seriously talking to a dragon about how you're feeling?" Lauren asked quirking her head.

"He won't judge." Camila pouted.

"Fine." Lauren replied and the doorbell rang yet again, "Right, my parents." She mumbled before opening the door.

"Hi Mami ye Pa -"

"Ah!" Clara screamed cutting Lauren off, "¿qué diablos es eso?" ((What on earth is that?))

"That's Camz's dragon, she found him in the forest." Lauren explained, smiling at her girlfriend.

"He's Toothless." Camila introduced and Toothless jumped in front of Clara and Michael, grinning at them.

"He's real cute." Michael smiled and patted his head.

"Come on in Mami and Papi." Lauren said, "Sit down, I have something important to tell you."

"Did you get yourself pregnant?" Clara asked sternly, "You know I always told you to use con-"

"No Mami." Lauren replied cutting her off as Camila tried to hold in her laughter.

Lauren's face turned red as she tried to sum up all the courage she has, "I'm a lesbian." She blurted out and there was silence in the room. Silence that could kill.

"I'm sorry if you're disappointed in me because this is just who I am and I can't change it. I'm in love with Camila and I know that I have since I met her. No one knows me better than her, she knows me more than I know myself. When I'm with her I feel free and comfortable, she makes me feel loved and when I'm with her, I know what it's like to be in love." Lauren smiled at her girlfriend who was grinning at her proudly.

"I don't have a lesbian daughter." Clara chided, causing the smile on the girls' faces to drop, "I would rather you get pregnant than be a lesbian."

"But Mami I can't -"

"This isn't about the sin." She said, "This is about the looks and talks I'll be getting, because of you. My daughter who decided to turn gay for another girl." She added turning to look at Camila with a disappointed look, "I'm disappointed in the both of you." She muttered and walked out the door, slamming the door behind her.

"P..Papi?" Lauren managed to choke
out in between tears.

"I'm proud of you Laur." He smiled sadly, "I'm proud that you told us that. And I'll support you all the way. I knew that this day would come since the both of you became friends. I saw the love the both of you had."

"Thank you Papi." Lauren sobbed, running into his arms.

"I'll love you no matter what Mihija. Give your mother sometime, she'll come around sooner or later." He assured, wrapping his arms around his daughter.

Camila's POV

"Lauren?" I called out softly as I walked into the room we shared, "Baby girl?"

Lauren was sitting by the window, curled up in a ball on the bed. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying and my heart aches at that sight.

"Do you wanna talk?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"I didn't expect her to walk out on me like that." Lauren admitted, lips trembling.

"Me neither." I replied, "Some people just see things differently from us. But at least Papa J supports you, that's all that matters right now. Mama J will come around one day."

"You think she will?" Lauren asked, turning to look at me.

"Who doesn't love their own child?" I said, taking her hand in mine, "She'll have to accept it no matter what cause deep down in her heart, she loves you."

Lauren nodded and sighed, "You're right Camz." She said cracking a small smile, "Can we cuddle?"

"Of course." I smiled and we laid there for the rest of the day.

Dinah's POV

"Mani, you know she took that kiss as a game." I said harshly, "Why do you even care anymore?"

"I love her okay?" Normani replied just as harsh, "Why do you even care so much about this, It's between me and Ally."

"Because I love you just as much as you love Ally, that's why." Dinah replied bitterly, "And I guess this ain't mutual between us."

A/N: I know this chapter is pretty sad but things will get better! I have a new story called The Story Of Us coming up, please check it out! Do comment and thanks for reading! ((:

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