Chapter 19

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A/N: This chapter is kind of confusing so there'll be a explanation in the A/N at the end :D

Camila's POV

The sound of machines beeping around me gets clearer and clearer as I struggled to move my body. It was pitch dark and I'm fighting to open my eyes whilst I moved my fingers.

"Her fingers are moving!" A familiar voice exclaimed. Sofia!

"Get the doctor!" Another voice yelled.

Soon, the pitch dark turned into flesh red, like how you close your eyes as you look at light. The muscles on my eyes loosen and I finally opened my eyes. Things looked blur around me for a moment before it started to become clearer. I looked around and saw my family standing around me, where's Lauren?

"She's fine, another few days in the hospital and she can go home." The doctor smiled and left the room.

"Darling sweetie..." My mom cried, why is she crying?

"Where's Lauren?" I managed to said in a hoarse voice.

"Who's Lauren?" My dad asked, frowning.

"Don't fool around Papi," I laughed, "I should be the one that has amnesia since I got hit by a car. Not you."

"Do you remember her having a friend called Lauren?" My father asked looking at my mother and sister, that was when I realized something is really wrong.

"No." Sofia shook her head, "Who's Lauren?" She asked seriously.

"My wife!" I shouted as I start to panic, "Tell me you're joking."

"We're not sweetheart." My mom smiled apologetically, "You probably made her up in your dreams during your coma this 6 years."

Coma? 6 years? How is this possible?
I remember getting knocked down by a car at Disneyland with Lauren.

"I was with Lauren when I got knocked down by a car at Disneyland, I was with Lauren." I said, hoping that all this is just a terrible dream.

"What are you talking about? You were knocked down while you were crossing the road. You've been in a coma then." My mom replied, "Are you okay?"

"What about Dinah?" I asked, "Is she real?"

"She's in school right now, that's why she isn't here." Sofia smiled, "She visits you everyday."

Was Lauren really someone that my mind made up in my dreams?

Lauren's POV

< One Week Later >

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ally asked.

"No." I replied harshly as I struggled to keep myself standing with the help of the pole.

"Come on Laur, you know running away from the truth isn't going to help you get better." Normani said, trying to stabilize me.

"I don't need to get better. I've lost her, it doesn't even matter if I'm good anymore." I answered.

"You just have to accept it." The shorter girl chided, "You can't be living like this for the rest of your life."

"Just shut up and leave me alone!" I shouted at her, causing her to stumble backwards.

Normani whispered something in Ally's ear and kissed her on the lips, nodding for her to go.

"You shouldn't have shouted at her."

"I know, I don't know what I'm thinking." I groaned in frustration.

"I know your depressed, but some things just happen, and they happen for a reason." Normani reasoned, "Just focus on your physiotherapy."

I nodded, tears streaming down my face. I miss Camila, I want my Camz back.

Camila's POV

"It's time for your excercise!" Sofia exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

"It's physiotherapy Sofi, not excercise." I corrected as I got into the wheelchair with the help of Sofia.

"It's the same." She rolled her eyes.

"Just shut up and leave me alone!" A familiar husky voice screamed, catching my attention.

I looked up and saw brown locks that I immediately recognize, "Lauren!"

Lauren stiffened up and turned around to look at me.

"Camz?" She whispered, almost inaudible, "Camila!" She hastily got on her wheelchair and wheeled over to me, "Is this really you?"

She placed both her hands on the sides of my heads and looked at me lovingly. I pounced on her and tears streamed down my face, "LoLo."

"My mind didn't make you up after all." Lauren grinned, "I just knew it."

"I love you." I croaked.

"I love you too Camila, forever and always."

A/N: Explanation: Camila and Lauren both got into a car accident and fell into a coma. Their souls travelled to the parallel universe and met each other there. All the other characters are the "other side" of them in the parallel universe. When they dream or get into a coma, their souls will travel over and join their body there. So basically, the point is that Camila and Lauren are soul mates because even in real life, they still met each other :D I hope you guys don't hate me anymore ): ((I hope you guys understood what I said))

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter ((: do you guys want one more chapter to end off the story or do you guys wanna end here? Do comment and thanks for reading XD

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