Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

I stood on the stool as I pulled the rope towards myself, ready to join Lauren wherever she is.

"No!" A familiar husky voice screamed, followed by a strong body pushing me onto the floor.

"Lauren?" I smiled, eyes weary from being awake for 24 hours, "Am I dead?"

"No no you're not." The blurry figure above me said, her voice unstable, "Why would you do this?"

Lauren's POV

"God damn it." I mumbled to myself as I unhooked myself from the tree branch that had poked a hole in my shirt.

I ran past the trees and towards my little hut, stopping a few steps before the front door, surprised to see the lights on.

I peeked through the windows and noticed a familiar silhouette standing on a chair, pulling the rope that's tied to the ceiling towards her head. Shit, that's Camila!

"No!" I screamed, running over to Camila as fast as I can and pushed her onto the floor.

"Lauren?" She smiled, her eyes barely opened, "Am I dead?" She asked.

"No no you're not." I replied, tears threatening to fall over, "Why would you do this?"

"Lauren, do you know how much I love you?" She smiled weakly, caressing my cheeks.

"Why are you turning so cold Camz?" I asked, tears finally rolling down my cheeks as I looked over at the cabinet.

"Fuck." I muttered, carrying her on my back, "Why on earth would you take pills?"

I ran as fast as I could, dodging bushes and fallen branches on my way, "Stay with me Camz, please stay with me." I pleaded, trying to stay as strong as I can.

"I love you so much Lauren." She spoke, her voice barely audible before her head landed flat on my shoulder.

"Camila no, please no. Don't leave me." I begged, tears streaming down my face endlessly as I arrived at the ER.

"Please save her, she ate some pills." I exclaimed the minute I stepped into the ER.

"We'll try our best Miss," the nurse said wheeling her into the room as the other held me back, "Let me go with her!"

"You can't go in there Miss, please take a seat and wait."

I nodded my head and walked towards a seat, slumping down as I placed my head on my hands and cried, "Camz, I need you."

Ally's POV

"Shit." I mumbled, "Normani! Dinah!Camila's is at the hospital!"

"We got to get there now." Normani replied, "Someone probably found her."

"The media said a girl in a hoodie helped Camila into the ER." I said getting into our car.

The drive to the hospital took us forever. It felt like eternity when it was only a 15 minutes ride.

"Camila Cabello." Dinah said to the counter lady.

"Room 243 down the hall." The nurse replied and we shuffled down the whole as quickly as we could.

We opened the door and saw a girl in hoodie asleep next to Camila on the bed. The curls looks so familiar... Lauren?

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Dinah whispered, pointing at "Lauren".

"Totally." Normani answered just as softly.

"What the hell?" Dinah replied.

The girl in hoodie moved a little and sat up slowly, interlacing her hand with Camila's at the same time.

"I missed you so much Camz." The familiar voice said, "You don't understand how hard it was to stay away from you. I watched you everyday from afar and it hurt to see you upset. I'm so sorry I had to leave, it was for your safety. Only one could survive."

"Laur?" I said breaking the silence.

Lauren jerked and sat as still as a rock before turning back to look at us.

"Lauren!" We said in unison, running towards her, "But I saw you being laid onto the ground!"

"It was an act with help from a friend of mine." Lauren explained, "She dug me out as soon as you guys left."

"You got us so sad and depressed." I pouted.

"I'm so sorry guys, I had to do it to protect Camz." She smiled longingly at Camila.

"It's okay Dawg." Dinah grinned, "I'm glad you're back, we all are."

"Mila will be so happy." Normani added and we all nodded in agreement, "How is she by the way?"

"The doctor cleaned her stomach, he said she'll be fine." Lauren replied, caressing Camila's cheek.

"That's great." I muttered looking at Camila who's eyes are fluttering open, "She's awake!" I exclaimed and all the girls turned to look at her.

"Mani? Ally? Dinah?" Camila groaned sitting up and turned to look at Lauren, "Who are you?"

A/N: So Camila and Lauren ain't dead! What do you think of this chapter? Thanks for reading and do comment! Have a nice day! ((For those who haven't, check out The Reason Behind Me and Somebody To You Camren! It can be found in my works, flove y'all ((:))

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