Chapter 17

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< 2 Years Later >

Lauren's POV

"We're taking the master bed room!" Camila screeched the second we stepped into our new mansion.

"Lauren and you are the only couple in here Mila." Ally answered, "There's no need to fight for it."

"Well, just in case!" Camila shouted as she wobbled-ran towards the stairs.

The girls and I have decided that it's time we retire from our jobs as super heroes as a break from the media and public. We think we should learn to lead normal lives again, get married and have children just like everyone else though we'll never have normal lives.

"Camz! Be careful with your tummy!" I warned running after her, holding our suitcases in my hands, "Stop running and scaring the crap out of me. I've got at least more than a hundred heart attacks these 7 months of pregnancy." I huffed holding on tightly to her as I helped her up the stairs.

"I'm pregnant Lo." She pouted, "Not an elderly woman."

"I don't want our baby Danielle or you to get hurt." I replied as we reached the second floor, "Next time use the lift. Why take the stairs when we have the lift?"

"I feel fat." Camila admitted as we turned right towards our room.

"You're not fat Camz." I assured, "You're just pregnant with our little angel in a bump. Am I right Dani?" I asked patting her stomach gently.

"You're so childlike sometimes." Camila chuckled, "But I like it. I like you." She added.

"Hmm... You only like me?" I smirked, pushing her against the wall, remembering to be careful with her bump.

"Maybe..." She played along, looking away and biting her lips.

"Fine then." I replied, pulling away as I pretended to walk away.

"I love you." She giggled as she pulled my hand back and crashed her lips against mine.

"Get a room y'all." Normani said walking past us.

Camila blushed and hid her face in my neck, "We won't have time to do this anymore after Danielle is born."

"We'll find time, don't worry love." I winked, kissing her cheek after.

"I'm gonna go take a cold shower." She giggled, "Can't do that with her inside of me."

"Why not?" I frowned, "She won't understand anyways."

"I don't want to orgasm with the baby inside of me." She said scrunching up her face, "That's disgusting."

"Well, we did it when she was a month old." I answered, following Camila to the bathroom inside our bed room.

"She was barely the size of my pinkie at that time. It's different." She explained, "And she made me so horny that time. You don't expect me to take ten cold showers a day do you."

"Fine." I sighed, "But we're so getting it on when she's born."

"Can't wait." She smiled, pecking my lips and waddled her way into the bathroom.

I fell back onto the bed, face first into the pillow, "How am I going to wait for another month?" I groaned.

"Lolo!" Camila shrieked and I literally jumped off the bed.

I ran into the bathroom and saw Camila standing in a puddle of water. She looks at me and the puddle water of water alternatively.

"Or maybe not." I mumbled.

"It's not even 8 months yet." She whispered, looking at me frightened.

"It's okay Camz, calm down." I said walking towards her, "Do you feel and severe pain?"

"No." She replied shaking her head.

"I'll get you to the hospital alright? Don't worry baby." I comforted, running out to get a clean pair of sweats for her.

"Girls!" Camz is in labor!" I screamed.

"What?" Dinah shouted, "It's barely 8 months."

"I think the baby is early. Will you go get the car and get Ally to pick up the necessities from the store room?"

"Sure Laur." She muttered with a thumbs up.

"Lift your leg Camz." I said as I slipped off Camila's sweat pants and slipped on new ones, "Let's go."

< A Few Hours Later >

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Camila cursed in pain, holding on to Lauren's hand tightly, "Fuck you fuck you fuck you."

"You can do this baby girl, think about how you'll be seeing her in a while." I muttered, hoping it would help Camila feel better.

"One more push." The doctor said, "On the count of three."

Camila took a deep breath and nodded, "One two push!"

"Ah!" Camila screamed as she gave one last push.

Cries filled the room and I know our little bundle of joy is finally here.

"Here." The nurse smiled handing me Danielle, "Thank you."

I held Danielle in my arms. I feel so much joy and pride as I watched her sleep soundly in my arms.

"She's so beautiful." Camila grinned the moment I handed Danielle to her.

"Yeah, just like you." I whispered back so I don't wake Danielle up.

"Hey Danielle." Camila cooed, "I'm your Mama."

"And I'm your Mami." I smiled, "And you're growing to grow up to be as beautiful and witty as your Mama." I decided.

Danielle moved a little and opened her eyes to reveal green orbs with a little brown towards the pupil, "Oh my god Lauren." Camila mumbled, "She has two colours in her eyes."

"Can I finally see my god daughter?" Normani exclaimed bursting into the room, interrupting our little moment.

"Damn that's one really good looking baby." Dinah commented.

"You guys did great." Ally winked, "Nice genes."

"Well thanks." I laughed.

"Can I hold her?" Dinah asked, "I promise to be extra careful."

"Of course you can Dmac." Camila replied and I gave Danielle over to her.

"Lauren's nose and ear, Camila's eyebrow and lips. And a mixture of your eyes, this is the nicest mix of genes I've ever seen."

"She's indeed beautiful." Normani added.

Camila and I looked over at the girls interacting with the baby, loving what we're seeing.

A/N: I'm back! How was this chapter? Do comment and thanks for reading! Have a nice day lovelies xx

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