Chapter 2

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Mia's POV

As we were all settling down in the porch area outside, we all got to know a little more about each other. Ben and Jack ending up calling us to say hi to Luke and the boys.

I didn't realize I was daydreaming until my dad snapped me out of it.

"Yea dad?", I ask while my hand is resting inbetween my china nd my knees.

"Are you okay honey?", he asks and hands me over some water.

I draink some of the water and nod.

Am I okay. I think I was a little disappointed. I was hoping to meet the three of them. But since Ashton isn't here it made me feel a little down. But either way im very excited my brother is here.

"Mia can you go get the food we just ordered", my mother ask while she fixes the table outside. I nod and head to the door passing by the kitchen.

I go to hold onto the door knob but something ends up hitting me and I fall back.

The pain was actually very strong. It was as if someone opened the door as a I pulled.

"Ow, oh god!", I say while on the floor holding on to my head as if that would make the pain go away.

I look up and see someone very surprised covering his mouth.

Its Ashton. "oh my grace, are you alright?", he asks while offering me his hand.

I take and nod my head.

He says sorry a few times and I tell him its fine. Someone looking that look can knock me out as many times as he wants.

I start laughing as the reaction of his face. He has the 'oh crap I messed up' face.

I do feel better

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I do feel better. He keeps offering me things that don't make it better but it. makes me laugh.

"I'm Ashton, You must be Mia", he says and I nod for reasurrence.

I hear someone knock and I try to get up but fall back down gently.

He gets up and goes over and opens the door. He grabs the food from the guy and gives him a tip. That was nice of him wow. I mean my mom did it online but still wow.

"We are outside right now so.", I say and we both head back there.

Man that was so awkward oh gosh.

That was not how I was planning on meeting him.

We eat and my dad and brother help the guys get settled. We have 6 rooms at my house. Technically we have 4 but in the basement theres two.

Mine is in the actual house with my parents. As well as the office they have made and Luke's old room.

Ben and jack used to live in the two down stairs, but since they moved out a few years ago my parents turned them into guest rooms. Which is very good use now.

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