Chapter 43

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(Mia's POV)

Few days later.......

im in my room being bored and shopping online I love doing that and im too lazy to go out anyway.

"mia come we have to go you have that meeting remember"I heard luke yell

I went down stairs and got my purse.

ashton was coming with me and so was luke.

we got in the car and lucas drove to scooters office.

we walked in and checked in

we went on the elevator and I knocked on a big wodden door.

a man in a suit opened the door and only let me in.

there was a huge table and at the end was scooter with a big smile

I sat down and he began

"hey mia so um theres a tennie tiny problem"he saud

"oh may you tell me"I said

"sure.well you need to date nathan for a while"he said

"uh why would I do that"I said

"beacuse you're be coming a star and the fans need to know youre dating you duet partner"he said

"I have a boyfriend and I love him"I Said

"I know im sorry but its not ny choice its nathans manager he said that if you dont datr him he won't let you sing the song with him"he said

"but the song is out already"I saud

"exactly he saud he would sue you"he said

"what the hell.....go ahead I got nothing"I said

"yeah but your brother is loaded"he said

"b-but I cant I love ashton"I saud

"you dont have to break up just pretend youre dating nathan"he saud

"I dont know scooter can I think about it"I said

"ofcouurse and just so you know I dont want you two dating I just want to protect you and luke from getting sued"he said and hugged me

I nodded and thanked him

I walked out with a very worried look on my face.

if I do it I know that it will hurt mine and ashtons relationship beacuse hes a very jealous person and Im not interested in nathan like that.

and If I dont do it then theyll sue luke and I dont want him to be sued.

both boys saw me and quickly got up

"what happened"luke asked

"ill tell you in the c-car"I said

we went outside

"babe its not good right"ash asked and I shook my head.

we got in the car and I explained to them

"let them sue me I dont care you're my sister"luke said

"yeah luke thats not good"I saud

"uh mia I know you dont want to do it but do it I mean its not for real right and I dont want lucas here to get sued"ashton said

"I dont know ash I mean then our relationship will get hurt and then luke will get sued"I said

"listen think about it do though okay it will be better"he said and I nodded


me and ashton decided to do it.

"okay ash but listen I m certainly not excited about this or I lile nathan like that okay just you"I said

"okay good ans I trust and love you"he said


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