Chapter 36

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Two weeks later.........

(Mia's POV)

it's been two weeks since Ashton and I had that fight

He has Tried to talking to me but I mean he doesn't trust me, why should I talk to him.

Im on my bed right now doing nothing.

Emma still doesn't talk to me but her and calum are back together.that's great *sigh*

She loves him and you know you can't do anything about love

"Mia!!!!!"I heard hannah yell.

"Whatt!!!!!"I yelled back

"Come Here!!!!"she yelled.

I got up and grabbed my phone.

I walked in her room.

"uh yeah"I Said

I came in and sat on her bed

"lukeeeee!!!!"I yelled I dont know why but you know.

"what happened"he said as he walked in her room

"oh you're here so um we have to go and record and you guys can record too"he said

"as a group or..."I said

"uh well Please dont hate me please but um you guys are going to be solo artists for a while then you can become a group"he said

"So thats why ml..made us come here"I said

"im.sorry I.mean you guys are great and I knew you wouldn't agree to this"he said

I got up and said

"well luke.well well well"I said

destinee walked in.

"Do you want to do this"I asked her

"ill do it as long as we come together as one "she said

"yeah me too"hannah said

"wait I want to talk to emma"I said and walked to her room

"uh em"I said

she looked up at me and glared at me

"are you serious right now!"I almost yelled

she looked up at me and glared again

"wow emma I thought I knew who you were but clearly you dont trust me"I said

this time she glared at me and was about to speak up

"listen I saw what I saw okay and if you're willing to apologize I will too"she said

"apologize for what falling and having my brothers best friend help me up wow I didn't know that was a crime"I said

I crossed my arms

"you just had to "fall" and he picked you up right"she said

"Emma what is wrong with you,you're never like this I know this isn't the real you okay I know that what ever is happening isnt you just call me what the real emma is back"I said and closed the door on her

(Emma's Pov)

I can't believe I said that, I just got upset because the fans have been saying that mia and calum did it..I shouldn't be listening to them but I just can't stop.he told me at first before we started dating that he had feelings for her and I just couldn't help but get jealous.

"ugh"I am so frustrated I need to apologize to mia it's not her fault im being so annoying

I got up from my bed and went to her door.

I saw ashton about to open it.

"ehhh can I talk to her"I asked

"okay sure but shes mine"he said ans walked away did he really just say that.

I opened her door and heard sniffles.

I saw mia and her face was buried on the pillow.

"mimi?"I asked

she didn't turn around just stopped crying.

I went by her bed and sat by it

"if your h-here to say how much you hate me then I dont wanna hear it"she said

"im.not im here to to apologize"I said

"listen mia I am so sorry the truth is that some fans have been tweeting that you and calum did IT and I know I shouldn't belive them but its just calum used to have feelings for you and I just got worried alot worried,some fans just want us to break up and they dont want me and you being best friends anymore,but I dont care I love you you're the only person I could tell anything too and you helped me with calum and I couldn't be happier,I feel horrible beacuse I treated you that way will you please please for-

I was interruped by her hugging me.

I hugged her back

"so are we sisters again"I asked

"we'll always be sisters even if it's not by blood"she said

"of course so um I have to go you're little bf is outside waiting to talk"I said

and walked out..

I didnt see ashton outside wonder where he is

(Ashton' pov)

After emma came out I had to leave I know mia is still mad at me.I need an idea to get her back I miss her alot and when we tell each other we love each other

I really miss her and seeing her hurt also makes me die inside.


oooh what if I sing to her she loves it when I do

I can sing one of the songs we havent song before

"um luke can I sing everything I didn't say to uh mia"I asked

we have never sung it not even recorded it yet

"uh yeah sure if you guys can get back together of course"he said

,"thanks dude"I said

"ifcourse you wrote the song for a reason"he said and I smiled


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