Chapter Three

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Samantha was not very pleased with Halley's idea of hosting a ball, in honor of Lord Fisher's death. The man was a monster! He didn't deserve anything! Of course, she had the same venom regarding most men. What was really angering her was Halley's pestering over the past three weeks to get her to attend this ball. She was wary of anything that had the word Balls in it and involves socializing. Hardly surprising that Halley had managed to get her in one of these lavish gowns. Samantha's hands gripped the railing, numbing her knuckles that were covered under white gloves. Her gaze settling on the swarm of people that filled the ballroom beneath her. Her lips had gotten stiff from smiling the entire night, they were a sad bunch of humans laughing and conversing with persons they had no knowledge about. Hiding their dismay behind flute glasses.

"Samantha, why are you hiding up here?" Halley came into view, in her lovely white gown. She looked like an angel, floating towards Samantha. "You are missing the Ball."

That's the idea.

Samantha smiled, "Oh I am observing a lot of it from the balcony." she turned back to her view as Halley came to stand beside her. "See, that lady in the pink dress?"

Halley cradled her neck. "Oh you mean, Lady Tanvile, the Baroness of Kingsville?"

Samantha snorted "More like the thieving Baroness" She glances at Halley sideways. "She stole one of your golden candlesticks."

She watched as Halley's mouth hung opened then snapped back shut to form a thin line. Samantha was not finished yet. "You see that man over there, I believe you introduced him to me as Sir John Winkles. He is married to the woman in the lavender dress."

"How could you possibly know that from here?" Halley gives Samantha a triumphant smile, trying to prove her wrong. "He told me he had no wife"

"Before or after you introduce me to him?" She rested her elbows on the railing and leaned forward. "And I saw him hastily retrieving his wedding band from his pocket when the lady in question began approaching him and look..." Halley's face fell in dismay. "There they are leaving now and she looks mighty angry"

She heard Halley mumbled a curse under her breath before turning on her heels. "Where are you going there is more..."

Halley's face was fuming with anger when she turned back around to face Samantha's amused expression. "You won this time Samantha and I am going to fetch my stolen candlestick if she had wanted one she could have asked, not steal it!"

Samantha grinned. "I'll check on the children before retiring"

With a curt nod of the head. Halley was stomping down the stairs. Her attempt at matchmaking was all for naught but she was not a quitter. She almost bumped into her husband who was just coming to fetch her. "Are the children alright?" He asked with concern.

"Yes, Samantha promised to peek on them before retiring to reading or sewing whatever it is she does at nights and David is with his wife in the guest room." Joshua was having a difficult time keeping up with his wife in the ballroom. He lost sight of her when Edward Clairwood came to have a conversation with him. Joshua was enlightened that the man could have made it, with the loss of his mother, months ago and his wife's condition. It seems that this year had been the year of breeding and losses. Speaking of losses, he saw Sir Jacob Wilson making his way towards him, he heard that he had lost a lot in a card game and was on the hunt for borrowers. Joshua made a gesture to Edward and they both turned on their heels and escaped upstairs to his study.

"Lady Tanvile!" The Baroness, did a nervous curtsy as Halley interrupted her conversation with another lady.

"Your Highness, what a lovely home you have here" She smiled.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang