Chapter Seven

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Samantha's eyes blinked opened, to find the entire place soundless. It was already morning. Samantha didn't realize she had nodded off in the velvety red padded armchair, watching the sunrise. She surged to her feet, her heart hammering in her chest. Today was the day of traveling! Spain! She cursed noticing the sun shining brightly and high in the blue sky. Shit! Why did it have to be this morning she dozed off! Samantha found herself, running out of her bedchamber like the place was on fire. The quietness, sent an eerie feeling throughout her body. Why were the children not running down the hall? Why wasn't the servants busy, up and down the stairs? She raced down the hall to Halley's bedchamber, to find it empty! Empty! She headed to the nursery. Empty! Words could not describe the sense of dread that washes over her entire body down to her toes. Samantha made it halfway down the stairs, only to be greeted by Regin, the old butler who sat facing the staircase. His eyebrows rose then his gaze drifted to the pocket watch nestled in his palm.

"Regin! Where is everyone?" She had a feeling she knew the answer. No! Halley wouldn't. Why would she do such a thing!

"Ahh, Samantha you are awake." He said nonchalantly. "They left three hours ago. The princess saw you sleeping so peacefully, she didn't want to wake you"

"Bullshit!" She growled.

"If you leave now, you would catch up with them." He continued, ignoring her unladylike outburst. With a groan of frustration, Samantha rushes back upstairs. She flung her bedchamber door open, then her wardrobe door that had wanted to give her more trouble by not opening as fast as she wanted it. Her lavender morning gown was the first piece of clothing she saw and she threw it over her chemise. She would change into something more beautiful when she was on the ship. Rushing to the mirror while fumbling with the lace at the back of her gown, Samantha assesses her appearance. She looked horrible, her gold curls was all tangled, her face looked to be sleeping, and her eyes could hardly stay awake. She slapped her palms on her cheeks, bring some color to it and rubbed her eyes. No time to waste in the mirror, she grabbed her brush, off the vanity table and hugged her two trunks to her chest.

Samantha was quite a picture coming down the stairs, trying to balance the trunks with her hairbrush stuck between her teeth like a gag. Regin who was still in his same boring position stood abruptly. "Five minutes," He snapped back his pocket watch and shoved it in his jacket. He had never known a woman that dressed so quickly in all his years. "Now I have seen everything, I can die in peace"

Samantha glared at the man. She was not in the mood for jests. "You could have asked for help." He snapped his fingers, signaling two, of the three waiting footmen and they immediately yanked the trunks from Samantha's grasped. "The carriage is waiting...Oh just a second, I almost forget" A letter was thrust in Samantha's hand before she could follow the men out the door.

She snatched it out of his hand and hurried down the stairs. What nonsense is this? Halley didn't want to wake her because she was sleeping so peacefully? She rolled her eyes as the carriage began to move. If this was a sick joke of hers. It wasn't funny. She leaned back in the velvet cushions and began brushing her hair, with no mirror she would have to rely on skillful judgments.

It took an hour to reach the town by Samantha's pestering of the coachman to go faster. She lifted the yellow curtains, to peak outside, hearing the noises and chattering of people. They were almost near the harbor and this crown was making the carriage difficult to move. No matter how desperate the coachman shouted.. "Miss, we can't go any further!"

Samantha flung out of the carriage, the door almost swung and hit a man square in the head. "Watch it, lady!" He shouted, then when he saw Samantha's face, he smiled, tilting his hat. "Sorry pretty lady"

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now