Chapter Seventy One

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A gentle breeze, cause the dampened hair to tickle her to consciousness. Samantha opened her eyes and blinked away the lingering water, she was aware of her cheeks pressing against something soft and clammy. They survived? She thought sleepily but as much as she wanted to rest, she knew she have to get up and look for the others.

Oh dear! Smity!

Where was he? The last thing she remembered was floating in the water with him tied to her!

A chilling wave splash upon her and she shivered not only from the coldness but the sand, the water took some of it from beneath her and it felt like tiny insects crawling upon her skin. Pushing herself off the sand with her elbows, she sat back on her knees, swaying her head in search of Smity or anyone else.

"Smity!" She called out, climbing to her feet, she walked idly to the north before spinning in circles. She didn't know where she was or what direction to take. The night wasn't dark as before and it spoke promise of dawn approaching. The shoreline comprises of many boulders, wreckage from the ship and tiny pebbles that looked like twinkling stars on the dark sand.


She gasped and her heart leaped with joy. "Smity! I'm over here!"

"Stay there! I'm coming!" It took a moment for Smity to be seen climbing one of the huge rocks and Samantha rushed to him.

"I don't know what happened." He sighed, holding her tightly. "The rope was supposed to keep you with me. God I hate feeling this way. Hate feeling like I lost you again."

"Smity, the others?" She pulled away slightly to gaze at him. "Are they alive?"

"I'm not sure, there's rocks and debris everywhere, you are the first person I found." He took a pensive look around. "We should search for survivors. This had got to be the nearest island, Jake might dock here—"

"No." She shook her head. "No!" then she took step backwards, Smity let her go and his arms fell to his side with confusion. "I can't get back on another ship, not right now Smity."

"What about Spain and ---"

"Spain be dammed! There's nothing in Spain for me but heartaches and watching another person lived the life I wanted!" Her voice flattered on a sob and she looked away. There's no point denying how envious she was of Halley, who has a husband, children; a family she would never get. "I want to be free Smity, I want to stop feeling miserable. I thought Tommy and I would have gone to Spain and live together--"

Smity's eyes soften as they mist with tears. "If not Spain, England?"

"I have no family there or anywhere." She replied.


"He doesn't care about me!" She brushed back the loose hair from her face. "He thinks am no better than the ladies in the brothel back in London." She spat bitterly. "Smity, I had loved him, even apart I still loved him, we might not have spent much time together but I fell for him Smity and he didn't felt the same way. I tried to avoid him; I knew I have never been very fortunate with finding love....I kept hurting myself over and over again and no one understands." She shook her head. "I just want to forget everything. I don't want to see him, I can't be happy with him around and not be with him. I can't watch him marry or court another woman. I-I can't be around any of my friend's blissful lives." Samantha hugged herself and looked to the sand. "I can't do it Smity," She cried, feeling the tears sliding down her cheeks.

"You didn't make it ashore." Smity whispered, this cause Samantha's head to abruptly, lifted.

"What?" She asked with a frowned.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now