Chapter Seventy

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Gabrielle couldn't look at Alejandro. Her teeth clenched as she glare at her father's ship, this was it. Her father finally decided to come for her. Dammit! She wanted more time with Alejandro! The ship was in its usual dark intimidating coating, as it came nearer she was aware of its normalcy, it was shaped differently and all the markings and the symbols had vanished.

An illusion.

Tears cloud her vision and her heartbeat increased, she was scared for the crew and Alejandro. The only man she had ever love, she worried the ring between her forefinger and thumb. She had deceive him and now she must finish crushing his heart. Gabrielle had spent a lot of time around humans to know that you don't hurt the persons you love. But what was she to do? If Alejandro know what she was, she would be scorned, he wouldn't be able to look at her the same way.

"I wouldn't let him hurt you," Alejandro said, wrapping his arms possessively around her from behind. "And if only you had told me about your father's cruelty, we could have avoided him."

Avoiding her father would have been impossible. There was simply no escape.

A tear slipped down her cheek and she turned in his arms to drink in his handsome face for one last time. Wordless, she wrapped her arms around his neck and reached up on her toes, to kiss him. It wasn't long before he took control of kiss and it seems to never end. Finally when he released her, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at him. "Whatever happens, you must believe that I love you."

"I do." He whispered softly, eyes filled with desire and love for her. "Forever." Giving her a chaste kiss, he focus back on the ship. "And nothing bad would happened I'll protect you."

The ship was nearer, they could see the persons aboard. She inhale a shaky breath when her father's face came into view as with the illusion of the ship, his father and his crew was the perfect image of privateer. He wore a beige breeches with a white linen shirt, his dark hair that usually stayed unbound was tied, so that it fell to the back. The crew, well they were all humans.

"Gabrielle! My darling daughter!" The wind carry her father's voice like the sails on a ship. Her teeth clenched, at his fake endearment and just the sight of him. "I have missed you!" The ship came to a stop and her father, looked at each of crew. "You have brought friends." His gaze drifted back to her as he said those words and she knew he was thinking something sinister by the twinkle in his eyes. "How very thoughtful."

"Father, I wish to have a word with you. My friends are none of your concern." She said sternly.

"Oh but I must extend my hospitality, why don't all of you join me aboard for supper?" He asked. "It's to die for."

"No!" She screamed, turning to the crew including Alejandro. "I'll go alone!" As she said those words, her father's gangplank was throw aboard the prince's ship.

"Gabrielle, why don't I go aboard and try to persuade your father?" Alejandro offered.

She shook her head.

"Gabrielle, come and greet you father properly and bring the young man. Let's see how good his persuasion skills are, shall we?" Her father interposed, with a smirk.

"How the hell did he hear that?" Alejandro mumbled, eyebrows lifting.

"Father please, I beg you, let them go. I am the one you want!"

Alejandro gripped Gabrielle's arm when she made an attempt to go. "You are not going anywhere." He sneered.

"Gabrielle? If you don't bring some of your friends, I'll have to use another methods. Don't force my hand Gabrielle." She heard the threat in his voice.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now